
Survey on HPV

Survey on HPV and related cancers: prevention, testing and screening among PLHIV and key populations

In line with our strategic framework and focusing on the core thematic areas of affordability, accessibility, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), we would like to launch a Survey on human papillomavirus (HPV) and related cancers: prevention, testing and screening among PLHIV and key populations (The survey is currently available in English). Your responses will help us to develop an overview of the current state of HPV/cancer prevention and screening among PLHIV and key populations, as well as the awareness around these issues. Furthermore, your input will help shape the content of the upcoming AAE webinar on HPV and related cancers, ensuring that it addresses topics relevant to your interests. We greatly appreciate your time and input!

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EU Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction launched

On 14-15 January 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania, the European Union Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT) held its first Partnership Forum to kick off activities. HA-REACT addresses existing gaps in the prevention of HIV and other co-infections, especially tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis, among people who inject drugs (PWID). This three-year project was…

AAE Steering Committee met Latvian civil society and other stakeholders in Riga

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