Legal and Policy Barriers to Community HIV testing services and HIV self-testing. A comparative 28-country report

by COBATEST Network, Martin Černý, Jakub Tomšej
Report on policy barriers to HIV community testing_ZeroingIN.png

The early diagnosis and treatment of HIV is crucial for reducing infection rates and improving the health outcomes of individuals and communities. PLHIV on effective ART have their viral load suppressed to an undetectable level, which means that they cannot pass on the virus even if other safer sex methods (e.g. a condom) are not used.[1] Community HIV testing has proven effective to detect new HIV cases, especially in communities where access to health care services is limited.

Following consultations with the COBATEST Network member and partner organisations, it became evident that the challenges they face are not limited to the sustainability of funding of services, but extend to policy and legal obstacles. In response to that, AIDS Action Europe and COBATEST Network decided to conduct a survey and develop a report to explore and reflect this situation.

The objectives of this report are to provide an overview of the landscape in which the COBATEST Network member and partner organisations operate and define legal and policy barriers to community HIV testing and HIV self-testing.


  • WHO European region
  • Advocacy
  • Laws and regulations
  • Prevention
  • Testing and counselling
  • Health care professionals
  • NGOs

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