Scenarios from Africa. Short fiction films on HIV/ AIDS.

by CRIPS Network & partners

Site containing a collection of 34 films on HIV/AIDS, being conducted by and for adolescents and young adults from all over Africa. Available in French, English and Portuguese, downloading and burning for free. Other languages featured are (some only subtitled): Afrikaans, Amharic, Chad Arabic, Haitian Creolo, Dioula, Hausa, Herero, Igbo, Italian, Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili, Lingala, Lozi, Malgache, Mina, Moorè, Nama/ Damara, Oshiwambo, Pulaar, Rukwangali, Sign Language (ASL), Twi, Wolof, Yoruba.

  • Global
  • Prevention
  • Social issues
  • Sexual education
  • (Undocumented) Migrants
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Youth

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