Crónicas de um Vírus - Aparecimento e Evolução do VIH/SIDA 1930 - 2010

by Abraço, Associação de Apoio a Doentes com VIH/SIDA

When, in June 1981, the first signs of a new disease began to emerge, nobody predicted that by 2010 we would still be discussing the magnitude and consequences of this devastating pandemic on the world population. Chronicles of a Virus: Emergence and Evolution of HIV/AIDS, 1930 - 2010, published by Abraço, and supported by Gilead Sciences, is an object of knowledge and solidarity. It is a plot that takes us through the evolution of HIV and AIDS and all that is connected to its impact on society.

  • Global
  • Social issues
  • Research
  • Health care professionals
  • General public

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