Report on the results of self-assessment of the voluntary counselling and testing services (BORDERNETwork WP6)
K.Rüütel, I.Eibl, A.Leffers, B.Milgrave, K.Kulczycki, G.Musat, B.Kucharova, J.Kalikov, R.Dimitrova, T.Arsova Netzelmann
The BORDERNETwork project conducted a self-assessment of the quality of HIV/STI VCT services, based on the Code of Good Practice for NGOs Responding to HIV/AIDS, developed by IPPF ( In 8 EU countries, HIV-test counsellors from 17 VCT sites took part. Most of the services were stationary, 3 of them combining stationary and mobile services. The clients’ groups covered range from general population to sex workers, IDUs, MSM and Roma minority representatives.