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Interest Groups

HIV in Europe - the way forward - panel discussion

by HIV in Europe
Report from second day’s sessions, T. Coenen & J. Lundgren; The impact and the outcome of the EP Resolution of 20-11-2008: HIV/AIDS: early diagnosis and early care – Italy as a case, Matteo Schwarz; HIV testing and counselling services in Ukraine: what else should be done?, Ihor Perehinets; Panel discussion: Moving East: What are the challenges? Political considerations: the way forward From…
WHO European region Policy makers Testing and counselling, Monitoring and Evaluation

Abstract book HIV in Europe Copenhagen 2012 Conference

by several
Abstract book of speeches and presentaties and posters sessions of the HIV in Europe Copenhagen 2012 Conference
WHO European region Policy makers Testing and counselling, Policy, Care and support

Late presenters and the undiagnosed - Plenary Session of the HIV in Europe Conference Copenhagen 2012

by HIV in Europe
Four speeches and presentations held during the plenary session of the Copenhagen 2012 Conference: Keynote speech: Danish Acting Minister of Health, Pia Olsen Dyhr; Characteristics of the epidemiology and temporal trends of late presenters in Europe, Joanne Reekie; An assessment of the approaches to evaluating cost-effectiveness of HIV screening strategies, Olivia Wu; Guidance on Indicator…
WHO European region Policy makers Testing and counselling, Epidemiology, Policy

The Future of European Prevention among Men who have Sex with Men

by Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control
Compilation of lectures and seminars held at FEMP 2011, the first pan-European conference on HIV prevention among MSM. The main purpose of the conference was to bring together the four primary actors in the MSM prevention field: governmental agencies (including the health care sector), NGOs, academia and the commer¬cial sector, and to connect the participants with existing European initiatives.…
WHO European region NGOs, Policy makers Prevention

Together we will end AIDS

UNAIDS released a report "Together we will stop AIDS", which contains the latest statistics on HIV infection, people receiving antiretroviral therapy, death from AIDS and HIV infection among children. The report also provides an overview of international and national investment in HIV / AIDS and examines the need for more rational use of resources and ensure sustainability of interventions.
Global General public, Policy makers, NGOs Research

HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights & Health

by Global Commission on HIV and the Law
This flagship report by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law presents data on how evidence and human rights based laws can end an epidemic of bad laws and transform the global AIDS response. A coherent and compelling evidence base on human rights and legal issues relating to HIV. Available in English, Russian, Spanish and French.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Laws and regulations, Policy, Human rights

Discussing Testing Strategies - Plenary Session of the HIV in Europe Conference Copenhagen 2012

by HIV in Europe
Topics: Diagnostics/testing/regulations/incidence: US perspective, Bernard Branson; A model of the MSM epidemic in the UK: implications for understanding the impact of condom use and ART in influencing incidence, Andrew Phillips; People living with HIV Stigma Index: Findings from Estonia, Jekaterina Voinova; The COBATEST Project: Survey on Community-Based Testing Services in Europe, Michele…
WHO European region Policy makers, NGOs Treatment, Testing and counselling, Stigma and discrimination

Late presenters and the undiagnosed - Plenary session at the HIV in Europe Conference Copenhagen 2012

by HIV in Europe
Videos and presentations: Keynote speech: Danish Acting Minister of Health, Pia Olsen Dyhr; Characteristics of the epidemiology and temporal trends of late presenters in Europe, Joanne Reekie; An assessment of the approaches to evaluating cost-effectiveness of HIV screening strategies, Olivia Wu; Guidance on Indicator Condition-Guided HIV Testing: Presentation of draft guidance document, Keith…
WHO European region Policy makers, NGOs Treatment, Testing and counselling

HIV treatment and care for children - Clinical Protocol for the WHO European Region - 2012 Revision - Protocol 11.

by WHO Europe
This document is an updated version of this clinical protocol released in 2007. It is one of 13 clinical protocols released by the WHO Regional Office for Europe as part of the HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care Clinical Protocols of the WHO European Region. The updated version is based on new evidence of HIV treatment for children and the 2010 WHO recommendations on Antiretroviral therapy for HIV…
WHO European region Policy makers, Youth Treatment, Positive prevention, Co-infections

Acces to Earlier Testing and Care - Plennary Session of the HIV in Europe Conference Copenhagen 2012

by HIV in Europe
Presentations on Access to Earlier Testing and Care: - Key issues for HIV testing in Europe, Martin Donoghoe; - Challenges in earlier HIV testing and linkage to care among people who inject drugs, Roland Simon; - HIV testing guidelines in Europe and linkage to care: need for implementation - Western Europe perspective, Valerie Delpech; - HIV testing and counselling in EECA: entry point for…
WHO European region Policy makers, NGOs Policy, Testing and counselling

Opening session HIV in Europe Conference Copenhagen 2012

by HIV in Europe
With speeches and slide presentations: - Objectives and expected outcomes of the conference, Ton Coenen & Jens Lundgren - Welcome note from Copenhagen University, Ulla Wewer - Keynote speech: European Commission, Marisa Matias - Earlier HIV testing and care on the European agenda, Martin Seyshell - The role of ECDC in optimal testing and earlier care, Marc Sprenger - The role of WHO in…
WHO European region NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Care and support, Testing and counselling, Policy

Conference Proceedings HIV in Europe Copenhagen 2012

by Misha Hoekstra, rapporteur / HIV in Europe
The HIV in Europe Initiative has the overall objective of ensuring that PLHIV enter care earlier than is currently the case. The conferences of HIV in Europe create a platform for national and innovative best practice initiatives on testing around Europe and share knowledge and experiences across borders. The importance of having effective systems for testing in place and to work towards creating…
WHO European region Policy makers, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Testing and counselling, Care and support, Stigma and discrimination

HIV prevention in Russia 2011 - public assesment report

by Community of people living with HIV
The main question of the Assessment: Is it possible, in 38 days, to provide quality services of informing and redirecting/forwarding 123 062 representatives of vulnerable groups (drug-addicts, LGBs, STD) to health care facilities for medical/social counselling and testing for HIV infection in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation?
Eastern Europe People who use drugs (PUD), LGBTI, Sex workers Monitoring and Evaluation, Treatment

Effective management of antiretroviral therapy side effects

by Society Association HIV.LV
Brochure on effective management of antiretroviral therapy side effects: The primary issues; How to protect your body; You and your doctor; Side effects and treatment retention.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Quitting while not ahead: The Global Fund’s retrenchment and the looming crisis for harm reduction in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

by Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN)
The report assesses consequences of sharp reduction in donor support that forced the Global Fund to halt new funding and to impose cost-cutting measures. The Global Fund made important investments in capacity building and advocacy by civil society, but this work is not complete. EECA, which is home to a fast-growing HIV epidemic concentrated among people who inject drugs (PWID), has already been…
Eastern Europe, Central Asia NGOs, Policy makers Advocacy, Resource mobilisation, Policy

HIV, drug use and the Global Fund: don't stop now!

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This report examines the impact of the cancellation of Global Fund Round 11 funding and subsequent changes in Global Fund policies and practices relating to HIV and drug use programmes. It focuses on how future HIV and harm reduction programming will be affected by the Global Fund’s current funding crisis given the very low existing levels of funding for such programming.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe NGOs, Policy makers Policy, Harm reduction, Advocacy

Guidance on couples HIV testing and counselling, including antiretroviral therapy for treatment and prevention in serodiscordant couples

by World Health Organization (WHO)
New WHO guidelines recommend offering HIV testing and counselling to couples, wherever HIV testing and counselling is available, including in antenatal clinics. For couples where only one partner is HIV positive, the guidelines recommend offering antiretroviral therapy to the HIV positive partner, regardless of his/her own immune status (CD4 count), to reduce the likelihood of HIV transmission to…
Global NGOs, Policy makers, Health care professionals Positive prevention, Treatment, Testing and counselling

A guide to developing and implementing overdose prevention programmes

by Janna Ataiants, Dasha Ocheret
This Guide was developed in response to the growing need among service providers working with drug users in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to introduce overdose prevention work into their services. Here you will find a set of concise recommendations on overdose programming based on lessons learned from colleagues in the region, as well as additional information on various issues of…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD), Health care professionals Harm reduction, Care and support

A war against people who use drugs: the costs

by Simona Merkinaite
This report assesses whether national funding for drug-related measures achieves the goals of slowing down drug epidemics and protecting society from drug-related harms. It is based on comparing costs associated with both – law enforcement activities and public health measures such as harm reduction and drug treatment. The report draws on country costs assessments done in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan,…
Central Asia, Eastern Europe Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Resource mobilisation, Universal access, Policy

Identification and optimisation of evidence-based HCV prevention in Europe for young drug users at risk

by Heike Zurhold and Christiane Schmidt
This report is a qualitative synthesis of the current evidence for the effectiveness of different interventions, which aim to prevent HCV transmission among IDUs.
Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe People who use drugs (PUD), Youth Harm reduction, Co-infections, Prevention

International Cooperation in EU-funded Health Research

by European Commission / European Research Area
Science is a truly global endeavour with scientists sharing their knowledge with their colleagues around the world. Most health and bio-medical challenges are borderless and if research is to help meet those challenges, an international approach is essential. This report describes 36 EU-funded research projects, including the EDCTP which aims to accelerate the development of drugs, vaccines and…
Global NGOs, Policy makers, Health care professionals Research

Monitoring implementation of the European Commission Communication and Action Plan for Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries, 2009–2013

This interim report summarises the progress made on implementing the policy priorities contained in a European Commission Communication entitled Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries, 2009–2013. It identifies the areas in which further progress is required and sets out specific recommendations. The report is based on information and feedback from a number of…
WHO European region Policy makers, Health care professionals Advocacy, Prevention, Policy

Sinners' Disease – surviving HIV in Russia

by Jan-Jaap Kuiper
There are almost one million people living with HIV in Russia, but the virus is still widely regarded as a “sinners’ disease”. Sasha Volgina - HIV positive, pregnant and bustling with energy – leads a young activist group protesting against the shortage of antiretrovirals. While fighting for the medicines essential for her and her unborn baby, she faces reluctant government, AIDS denialists and…
Eastern Europe People who use drugs (PUD), People living with HIV (PLHIV) Advocacy, Harm reduction, Treatment

Working with young people at risk, a practical manual

by Anniken Sand, City of Oslo Alcohol and Drug Addiction service
This manual provides a guideline for early intervention and outreach work for working with young people at risk, who are experimenting with drugs. The manual has been developed by one of the work packages of the Correlation Network.
Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Europe Health care professionals, Youth Positive prevention, Harm reduction, Care and support

European AIDS Treatment Group Long-term strategy 2012-2015

EATG has launched in the beginning of 2012 its long-term strategy for the period 2012-2015. You can find our strategic goals and objectives in the document.
WHO European region General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Treatment, Capacity building, Advocacy

Geneva Declaration 2012 on health care in prison

by B. Knorr, H. Stöver, J. Pont, V. Saliez, JM Verdebout, C. Canetti, L. Michel, A. Diemand, S. Enggist, A. Eytan, L. Gétaz, B. Gravier, F. Hübner, A. Iten, JP
The guidelines and recommendations are based on international humanitarian law and basic constitutional rights and are organized around seven principles: 1. Access to a doctor 2. Equivalence of care 3. Patient’s consent and confidentiality 4. Preventive health care 5. Humanitarian assistance 6. Professional Independence 7. Professional competence.
WHO European region People who are/were in prisons, Health care professionals Care and support, Human rights, Treatment

Management of hepatitis B and HIV coinfection

by WHO Regional Office for Europe
The updated version of the WHO clinical protocol is built on new evidence in the area of HBV/HIV treatment and the global WHO 2010 recommendations for a public health approach 'Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection in adults and adolescents'.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Co-infections, Epidemiology, Treatment

European Action Plan for HIV/AIDS 2012–2015

by WHO Regional Office for Europe
The eastern part of the WHO European Region has the fastest growing HIV epidemic in the world, with the number of people living with HIV estimated to have tripled since 2000. Progress in the western part of the Region shows what can be achieved, though much more is still needed. The overall objective of the European Action Plan for HIV/AIDS 2012–2015 is clear: to ensure zero new HIV infections,…
WHO European region Policy makers, NGOs, Health care professionals Universal access, Stigma and discrimination, Prevention

Patient evaluation and Antiretroviral Treatment for Adults and Adolescents

by WHO Regional Office for Europe
This 2012 revision of the WHO Clinical Protocol for the European region is built on new evidence in the area of HIV/AIDS treatment and the global WHO 2010 recommendations for a public health approach “Antiretroviral therapy for HIV Infection in Adults and Adolescents”.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Youth, Policy makers Treatment, Monitoring and Evaluation, Prevention

Prevention of HIV transmission from HIV-infected mothers to their infants: Optimizing clinical management and effective interventions towards eliminating new paedriatric HIV infections

by WHO Regional Office for Europe
The revised European clinical protocol is the cornerstone of WHO Europe’s strategic contribution to the global initiative on elimination of HIV mother-to-child transmission and one of the six priority areas of the European Action Plan for HIV/AIDS 2012-2015. It should serve as a basis for adaptation of national prevention of HIV mother to child transmission (PMTCT) guidelines.
WHO European region Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Sexual and reproductive health, Prevention

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