

GBQMSM Networking Meetings aim to bring together community representatives working in the field of GBQMSM Health and create a space for discussions, exchange, and planning of future activities


Within chemsex activities we aim to build and strengthen the capacity of AAE member organisations that offer sexual health services to GBQMSM and are willing to build/improve their services in the context of chemsex and/or to harm reduction providers willing to expand their services towards chemsex, ensuring they are inclusive and responsive to the needs of the communities.


Rapid Assessment on PEP in EU/EEA countries

AAE is conducting a Rapid Assessment on Access to Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) in EU/EEA countries.

Based on the information collected, we will publish a report on the main findings, and a policy brief with recommendations for the European Union and its Member States

Capacity Building Webinar Series

These webinar series are designed to support the capacity-building efforts of community organisations in managing and using data effectively at national, regional, and international levels for various purposes.

webinars for projects
Contact us

c/o Deutsche Aidshilfe

Wilhelmstr 138

10963 Berlin, Germany


+49 30 69 00 87

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