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Rekomendācijas pacientiem ar HIV un C hepatītu: testēšana, ārstēšana, atbalsts. . Grāmata inficētajiem ar HIV/HCV un ārstniecības personām vieglajā valodā.

by Society Association HIV.LV
"Hepatitis C for people living with HIV" - a brochure for PLHIV and co-infected persons, and health care providers in Latvian language. Adopted from with support from European AIDS Treatment Group.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Co-infections, Treatment

Harm Reduction at Work

by Raffi Balian and Cheryl White
For harm reduction and drug policy organizations that aim to improve the health and welfare of people who use drugs, the insights of drug users themselves are essential to shaping effective programs. Harm Reduction at Work gives the necessary know-how to ensure that both employees who do use drugs and those who don't are treated fairly. In addition to outlining the many benefits of hiring drug…
Global People who use drugs (PUD), NGOs, Policy makers Social issues, HIV and labor, Harm reduction

Stopping Overdose - Peer-based Distribution of Naloxone

by Roxanne Saucier
Overdose is a major and often overlooked cause of death among people who inject heroin or other opioids. Yet there is a safe and effective treatment: the medication naloxone. This public health fact sheet describes how naloxone is successfully being used to reverse overdose around the world with no side effects beyond opiate withdrawal. It provides real-life examples of programs and it explains…
Global Health care professionals, People who use drugs (PUD), NGOs Harm reduction, Treatment

Dance4life international strategy paper

by dance4life international
Dance4life mission is to power a movement that creates social change at the community level by taking action to improve young people’s SRHR and in particular improving access to sexuality education and improving access to youth friendly services; challenge stigma and discrimination and break down taboos that surround sexuality, especially focusing on HIV and AIDS.
Global NGOs, Youth, Policy makers Prevention, Sexual education, Universal access

Dance4life: Evaluating a global HIV and AIDS prevention program for young people using the Pre-Im framework for process evaluation

by Julia CM van Weert, PhD, Silvia ST Hermanns, MSc, Annemiek J Linn, MSc and Barbara C Schouten, PhD
The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the dance4life school-based HIV/AIDS prevention program, by sending questionnaires to two target groups in Africa and Europe, the local implementing partners and beneficiaries of the dance4life. Results show that dance4life provides a robust HIV and AIDS prevention program. Both the implementing partners and the participants assess the…
Western Europe, Global Health care professionals, Policy makers, NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Sexual education, Prevention

Valentines Day Protection Examination Information Сampaign

by Center for Life and Praksis
Valentine's Day video: HIV Campaign Protection Examination Information Our Life Motto
Western Europe General public Prevention, Media, Care and support

Achieving universal access in Eastern, South East Europe and Central Asia -­ 2010. An HIV community perspective.

by EHRN (2010)
This report aims to inform global, regional and national efforts to improve work towards universal access from a civil society perspective. It assesses how civil society groups are involved in setting and reviewing national targets, particularly the involvement of those most affected by the epidemic including people living with HIV (PLHIV), injecting drug users (IDU), men who have sex with men (…
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers, NGOs Advocacy, Universal access, Monitoring and Evaluation

Treatment Strategies - AIDS (Volume 1 Issue 1)

by The Cambridge Research Centre
Treatment Strategies - AIDS is a printed and on-line eBook publication that provides its readership with a collection of thought-provoking articles written by distinguished doctors and leading authorities in the AIDS field. The series aims to inform and educate clinicians on all the latest HIV and AIDS therapeutic and technological advances, and includes an unbiased, independent inbound…
Central Europe, Global Health care professionals, Policy makers, NGOs Treatment, Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation

Everywhere: A European Seal of Approval in HIV Prevention for ‘Gay’ and MSM businesses

by Sherriff, N.S., McDonnell, E., Sutton, F., Tunstall, B., Alexandre, A., Friboulet, D., Martín-Pérez, A., and Hernández-Fernández, T. on behalf of the Everywhere Consortium
This Guide is informed by the findings of the Everywhere Project co-funded by the European Commission (see It outlines a series of HIV and STI prevention standards for ‘gay’ businesses including sex venues, ‘gay’ and gay-friendly social places (e.g. clubs, bars, discos etc), travel agencies, hotels, and ‘gay’ dating websites.
Central Europe, Western Europe Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Prevention, Harm reduction

Social Mediator Training Workbook

by Ben Tunstall on behalf of the Everywhere Consortium
A workbook for individuals to learn about social mediation, and a training guide for social mediators to train other social mediators.
WHO European region NGOs, Health care professionals Prevention

New HIV lesson plan for English educators!

The aim of this lesson is to engage learners with literature and to use HIV as a starting point to create their own stories.
Global Youth, General public Social issues

Methadone handbook / Руководство по метадону

by Eurasian Harm Reduction Network
This is a handbook for anyone who is interested in methadone maintenance treatment. It will be useful for those on treatment and those who want to start treatment or learn more about it. The handbook is a translation from English; it was not specifically adapted to the context of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Western Europe Policy makers, People who use drugs (PUD), Health care professionals Policy, Treatment, Advocacy

Let’s stop AIDS! PSA - Социальный видео ролик «Остановим СПИД!»

by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation - Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД»
The PSA produced for this campaign, aimed at overcoming psychological barriers which young girls might have when they solve the dilemma of refusing unprotected sex. There is an HIV/AIDS Help Hotline on 0-800-500-45-10. On this toll free number people can call from any region of Ukraine to receive professional information about HIV/AIDS.
Eastern Europe General public, Women, Youth Care and support, Sexual education, Prevention

Top Ten Key Global Policy Developments in 2010: Reflections from the Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)

by The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)
Focusing on issues concerning MSM, HIV and human rights at the global level, the MSMGF has developed a list of the 10 most significant policy issues and events of the past year. An effort both to learn from past lessons and prepare for what lies ahead, we hope that this policy roundup will trigger critical reflection, informed discourse, and more nuanced strategizing for advancing the health and…
Global Policy, Human rights, Advocacy

AIDS 2010: Catalogue of Abstracts Presented on MSM and Transgender People

by The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)
An online searchable catalogue of all abstracts presented at AIDS 2010 concerning men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people. Available in English and Russian. English: Russian:
Global Epidemiology, Treatment, Prevention

Letter to partners 2011

by Michel Sidibé UNAIDS
Mr Sidibé outlines a set of six new frontiers to move the global AIDS response forward: The democratization of the response; making the law work for not against AIDS; reducing the upward trajectory of programme costs; making funding for AIDS a shared responsibility; making the AIDS movement a bridge to development; and fostering scientific innovation for HIV prevention and treatment.
Global NGOs, Policy makers, General public Policy, Universal access, Prevention

H-CUBE Newsletter January - February 2011

by Associazione ISES
Project newsletter with some updates about the project progresses.
WHO European region General public, Health care professionals, Youth Sexual education, Prevention

An HIV Treatment Journey

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and your treatment journey. This includes from finding out you have HIV, having regular check ups, getting ready for treatment, side effects and adherence.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Care and support, Testing and counselling

Seven Ways to Look After your Health

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and how to look after your health. It illustrates how to eat a balanced diet, exercise, give up smoking, rest and sleep, talk to people and get support, get regular blood test and take anti-HIV drugs.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Treatment

Undetectable Viral Load

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and your viral load. It illustrates how much HIV is in your blood, and when this is high and low. It also talks about undetectable viral load and what this means.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Care and support, Treatment

HIV and TB

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in the basics of TB, transmission, interaction with HIV, symptoms, diagnosis, preventing TB, treating TB and drug resistant TB.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Co-infections, Treatment

Taking Drugs on Time

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and taking anti-HIV medication on time. The fact sheet illustrates the importance of taking medication on time and how it may affect HIV in your body if it is not taking on time.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Treatment

When Should I Start Treatment?

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and when to start treatment. This includes illustrations on your immune system, CD4 counts and HIV treatment.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment, Care and support

Side Effects Basics

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and side effects. It illustrations short term side effects such as diarrhoea, feeling sick, feeling tired and disturbed sleep. It also illustrates long term side effects such as how anti-HIV medication can affect your liver, kidneys, bones, cholesterol and body shape.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment, Care and support

Side Effects Booklet

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in HIV treatment – a longer and healthier life, safeguards against side effects, allergic reactions, timing of side effects, who gets side effects, taking control of side effects, HIV treatment combinations and their side effects and common side effects.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment

HIV and Nutrition

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in general nutritional advise, your diet and anti-HIV drugs, eating and avoiding weight loss, and side effects.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment

How Treatment Works

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and how treatment works. It includes information and illustrations on the different types of anti-retrovirals such as entry inhibitors, integrase inhibitors and protease inhibitors.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Care and support

HIV Therapy

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in what HIV therapy is, when anti-HIV therapy should be started, what to start therapy with, when to change therapy and taking your treatment.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Testing and counselling, Treatment

HIV and Women

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in living with HIV as a woman, keeping well, health checks, HIV and your body, sex and HIV, contraception, pregnancy and birth, HIV treatment in women, HIV and hepatitis co-infection, mental health, disclosure, prison and HIV and getting specialist help.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Women Social issues, Sexual and reproductive health, Care and support

HIV and the Immune System

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and the immune system. It illustrates when the immune system is strong and you are not ill, and then if the immune system had been made weak by HIV.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Care and support

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