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Interest Groups

Informations pour les voyageurs, les immigrés Tunisiens et leurs familles : passeport pour un bon voyage

by Fédération des Tunisiens pour une Citoyenneté des Deux Rives
Contains information for travellers, Tunesian migrants and their families incl. on HIV/AIDS. Text in French and Arabic.
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Tourists / travellers Prevention, Migration, Laws and regulations

Adherence to ARV Therapy

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
A booklet intended for people living with HIV who are undergoing treatment. It contains stickers for labelling medicines, as well as practical advice on treatment adherence.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Client Management for Vulnerable Groups

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
A manual for trainers containing essential materials conducting for training social workers in HIV care and support. Themes covered include: main educational principles, work with groups of specialists and managers, descriptions of the knowledge and competencies of specialists, principles of social work, work with different vulnerable groups, building partner networks and training evaluation.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia Health care professionals, NGOs Capacity building

Recommendations on Organising Social Support for Vulnerable People

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
A manual for professionals engaged in providing social assistance to vulnerable people, including injecting drug users, prison inmates and sex workers. The recommendations are based on international best practice in the sphere of social work and on AFEW’s own experience in implementing programmes in four countries of Central Asia. Technologies and mechanisms for building social support systems…
Eastern Europe, Central Asia Health care professionals Prevention, Treatment

Aids-voorlichting voor en door Turkse en Marokkaanse mannen: doelstellingen, determinanten en praktijk [Peer-led aids education aimed at Turkish and Moroccan men: targets, determinants and practice]

by P. van Haastrecht, P. Kocken, T. Voorham
The aim of the study was to establish the actual program targets, to examine determinants of condom use among Turkish and Moroccan men and to state recommendations for program improvement. Misunderstandings about HIV transmissions and beliefs of the risk of getting AIDS were detected among the target group. With English summary.
Western Europe Health care professionals, Policy makers, Ethnic minorities Research, Social issues, Sexual education

Opiate and Stimulant Overdose

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
The aim of this two-part brochure is to provide concise information about overdose and the provision of first aid to people affected by drug use. It also describes the necessary tools for diagnosing and treating overdose - an easily preventable condition that remains a major cause of death among drug users.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction

Emotional Burnout Syndrome

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
If you are reaching the end of your tether at work, then this brochure is for you. Here, you will find details of how to prevent burnout syndrome, the causes, resolution of conflict situations and reducing the build-up of tension. The brochure is intended for professionals working with clients, in particular for those offering social and medical assistance.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia Health care professionals Capacity building

HIV and Pregnancy

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
A brochure for women living with HIV and couples planning a family. It explains how to give birth to a healthy child, preparations for pregnancy, the effect of pregnancy on HIV, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, post-natal care for the mother and child, as well as outlining diagnostic methods for HIV in children.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia People living with HIV (PLHIV), Women Prevention

Your sexual health

by B. (ed.) Caers, E. (ed.) De Bie, T. (ed.) Demyttenaere, E. (ed.) Hahn, B. (ed.) Parmentier; Sensoa (Belgium)
This brochure is meant for newcomers in Flanders and Brussels. It gives background information about pregnancy, contraceptives, unplanned pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, sexual rights etc. Includes a list of addresses. Also available in: Dutch, Spanish, Turkish, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian and Spanish. Only hard copy: order through website/ email!
Western Europe, Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Women Prevention, Sexual education, Sexual and reproductive health

40 Weeks in the Life of a Woman

by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
This brochure is aimed at women living with HIV who wish to learn more about the different stages of pregnancy, methods for preventing transmission of HIV from mother to child and special consideration during and after childbirth. Week by week, a woman can monitor her condition throughout her pregnancy.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Sexual and reproductive health, Prevention

AIDS in Europe: new challenges for the social sciences

by P. Aggleton, J. Moatti, A. Prieur (eds.) et al
This book brings together papers from leading social science researchers to look at the opportunities and challenges the changes in the nature and dynamics of the AIDS epidemic have created at the end of the 20th century. Covered are the different ways in which these changes are being responded to in Europe along four main topics: living with HIV and therapeutic advances, new perspectives on…
WHO European region Health care professionals, Policy makers Epidemiology, Research

Migrants et VIH: guide pratique d' information [Migrants and HIV: practical information guide]

by SIDA Info Service (France)
Contains practical information on French regulations and social security for people living with HIV/AIDS, especially migrants. Also available in English, Arabic, Bambara, Spanish and Russian (order through website).
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Universal access, Laws and regulations, Social issues

Sexual Times

by The Sexual Health Centre
Sexual health education for young people in schools, early school leavers and parents.
Western Europe Youth, General public Sexual education, Sexual and reproductive health, Prevention

Rapid Assessment Tool for Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV Linkages: A generic guide

by IPFF, UNFPA , WHO, UNAIDS, GNP+, ICW and Young Positives
This generic tool aims at linking Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS and covers a broad range of linkages issues, such as policy, systems and services. Countries are encouraged to review the questions and the scope of the assessment and modify it according to the local situation. It is intended also to identify gaps, and ultimately contribute to the development of country-specific action…
Global Policy makers, Health care professionals, NGOs Laws and regulations, Policy, Research

Protect yourself!

by Aids-tukikeskus (Finnish AIDS Council)
This brochure provides general information on HIV and other STDs. Its purpose is to encourage people to take a STD test. Includes information on trainings and counselling. Also available in French, Somalian, Thai and Russian.
WHO European region Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention, Care and support, Sexual education

Living Well with HIV and AIDS

by Aids-tukikeskus (Finnish AIDS Council)
This brochure is addressed to people who have recently learnt about their HIV infection. It provides information on living with HIV/AIDS in Finland. Also pays attention to children and family. Also available in French, Somalian and Russian.
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities Prevention, Sexual education, Care and support

Miten HIV tartttuu ja turvallisempi seksi (How HIV infects and safer sex)

by Aids-tukikeskus (Finnish AIDS Council)
This leaflet with pictures gives information about HIV transmission, condom use and safe sex.
WHO European region General public, (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention, Sexual education

Protect yourself from HIV/AIDS

by UNHCR Slovakia
SVK leaflet on HIV/AIDS produced in 2008 and 2009 and disseminated in asylum centres and detention centres in the Slovak republic in 7 language versions most frequently spoken by arriving asylum seekers. Other languages can be ordered through email:
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, General public Prevention, Care and support

What Every Woman Should Know : A Comprehensive Information and Advice Leaflet For Black and Minority Ethnic Women

by B. Yigletu, Naz Project London (NPL)
Comprehensive information for women on the subject of sexual health, STI and HIV/AIDS. This booklet aims to empower black and minority ethnic women.
Global, Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Women Treatment, Prevention, Sexual education

The Black & White guide to sexually transmitted infections

by Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA)
These booklets gives basic information about the most common STI and condom use/ contraception. Lists STI clinics in Ireland and includes a short glossary of medical terms. Available in English, French, Polish, Russian, Chinese (on STI) and in French, Russian, Polish (on contraception).
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, General public Prevention, Sexual education, Treatment

Проблемы секс-бизнеса в контексте общественного здравоохранения: сборник статей/ The sex business problems in the context of public health

by Yury sarankov (compiler)
Issues of sex work in the context of public health.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals, NGOs Prevention

The adventures of Maimouna

by Mayval/ Fédération IFAFE
Comic and instruction booklet about the female condom. It tells three short stories of Maimouna in several situations where it is necessary to use a condom and her male partner isn't willing or able to use one. Also available in English, Russian, Arabic, Creolo and Spanish through website (search for 'Maimouna').
Western Europe, Global Women, (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities Sexual education, Prevention

Quinze femmes contre le sida [15 women against AIDS]

by MPO/ Inpes/ Ministère des Solidarités, de la Santé et de la Famille (Réunion, France)
15 well-known women, originally from Africa or French departments in America, promote safer sex, stimulate early recognition of AIDS and support people living with AIDS. They present their short message on a DVD. To be ordered through website or email: Trailer:
Western Europe, Global Women, Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants Sexual education, Prevention

SUB/WAY: The Berlin project for boys + young men who are selling sex on the street

by SUB/WAY berlin e.V.
This multilingual website gives information about SUB/WAY berlin e.V., an organisation aiming to protect boys (including street boys and prostitutes) from sexual attentions and to improve their situation invarious areas: housing, health etc.
WHO European region Sex workers, Youth, (Undocumented) Migrants Care and support, HIV and labor, Treatment

The African HIV Research Forum (AHRF): Linking research and Practice

by African HIV Research Forum (AHRF)
Site of the African HIV Research Forum (AHRF). This organisation aims to bring together individuals and organisations to focus on all aspects of HIV research among African communities in Britain. Contains a lot of (scientific) information including literature on social issues, health policy and clinical research.
Global, Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, NGOs Research, Prevention, Epidemiology

Scenarios from Africa. Short fiction films on HIV/ AIDS.

by CRIPS Network & partners
Site containing a collection of 34 films on HIV/AIDS, being conducted by and for adolescents and young adults from all over Africa. Available in French, English and Portuguese, downloading and burning for free. Other languages featured are (some only subtitled): Afrikaans, Amharic, Chad Arabic, Haitian Creolo, Dioula, Hausa, Herero, Igbo, Italian, Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili, Lingala, Lozi, Malgache,…
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Youth Prevention, Social issues, Sexual education

Love.check: AIDS prevention game

by Utrecht School of Arts
This AIDS prevention game has the goal to encourage youth to talk about sexuality and to inform them about the risks. The game consists of 70 cards which are to be selected in pairs, just like in the memory game. Special editions available for the Netherlands, Zambia, Southern Africa and Thailand. Instructions in Dutch, English, African, Tswana, Zulu. Also available: the game ‘FAMILY.matters’…
Global Youth, (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities Prevention, Sexual education

Love life stop AIDS : an information film about HIV/AIDS for migrants.

by SwissAIDS Federation/ Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
DVD with basic information about HIV/AIDS aimed at migrants in Switzerland. There are two versions of the film, one for men and one for women. The topics are: how HIV is transmitted and how it is not, how to protect oneself and how to use a condom. Available in English / Albanian / Amharic / Arabic / German / French / Italian / Portuguese / Romanian / Russian / Croatian / Somali / Spanish /…
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities Prevention, Testing and counselling, Treatment

Les aventures de Moussa le taximan (the adventures of moussa the taxidriver)

by H. Duparc; Ministère des Solidarités, de la Santé et de la Famille, INPES (France)
Site containing two seasons of short films on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, with humour. French spoken. Use URL.
Western Europe, Global Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Migration, Prevention, Social issues

HIV and AIDS: human rights for everyone

by M. Schilperoord, P. Speigel, M. Aouamri/ UNHCR
Comic aimed at refugees providing information on HIV/AIDS and rights of refugees – especially from Africa - referring to several international treaties and conventions.
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Refugees Migration, Human rights, Prevention

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