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Interest Groups

Европейский семинар по ВИЧ и законодательству 19-21 апреля, Лондон

by Подготовлено Национальным доверительным фондом по СПИДу
Seminar "Legislative & Judicial systems in Relation to HIV & AIDS" report.
WHO European region NGOs Laws and regulations, Policy

European HIV and Law Seminar London (Presentation)

by Douwe Korff - London Metropolitan University
Presentation held by Douwe Korff at the HIV and Law Seminar in London.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Laws and regulations, Human rights, Policy

Отчет семинара «Законодательство и судебные системы относительно ВИЧ и СПИДа»

by National AIDS Trust
Seminar report “Legislative and Judicial Systems in Relation to HIV and AIDS”, that was held in London in 2007.
WHO European region NGOs Policy, Laws and regulations

Building a comprehensive response: Funding for HIV vaccines, microbicides and other prevention options

by Hester Kuipers / IAVI
The HIV Vaccines and Microbicides Resource Tracking Working Group has developed and employed a comprehensive methodology to track annual research and development (R&D) investment trends in HIV vaccines and microbicides that can be compared from year-to-year and across funders. In 2006, the Working Group added other new HIV prevention options such as male circumcision to the annual tracking…
Global NGOs Policy, Advocacy, Research

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament

by Commission of the European Communities
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on combating HIV/AIDS within the European Union and in the neighbouring countries, 2006-2009
WHO European region NGOs Epidemiology, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy

Sexual and reproductive health for HIV-positive women and adolescent girls

by EngenderHealth and ICW
This manual is designed to provide information and structure for a four-day training and a two-day planning workshop that will enable programme managers and health workers in resource-constrained settings to offer comprehensive, nonjudgemental, and quality care and support to HIV-positive women and adolescent girls in the local context.
Global Women, Health care professionals Gender, Prevention, Capacity building

You Can Speak

by Aids and Mobility
A booklet on what it means to be an immigrant in need of health care in Europe today.
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV), (Undocumented) Migrants Human rights, Social issues, Advocacy

Guidelines on the Prevention and Management of Metabolic diseases in HIV

by European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
In HIV infection, both uncontrolled replication of HIV, co-infections (e.g. HCV) and ART contribute to metabolic diseases. The prevention and management of metabolic diseases in HIV should take all these factors into consideration.
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Capacity building, Prevention

Guidelines for the clinical management and treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C coinfection in HIV-infected adults

by European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Capacity building, Co-infections

Guidelines for the Clinical Management and Treatment of HIV Infected Adults in Europe

by European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
Part of the new European Guidelines launched at the conference in Madrid held at the 24-27 October 2007.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment, Capacity building

Creative Lawyering and the Promotion of the Rights of People Living with HIV and AIDS

by Dr Matthew Weait - Keele university
Creative Law / Creative layering: Thinking about legal mechanisms and the role of lawyers more creatively can be beneficial.
WHO European region NGOs Human rights, Laws and regulations, Policy

Использование творческого подхода в адвокатской практике и пропаганда прав людей, живущих с ВИЧ/СПИДом

by Д-р Мэтью Вит - Кильский университет
Creative Law / Creative layering: Thinking about legal mechanisms and the role of lawyers more creatively can be beneficial.
Eastern Europe, Central Europe NGOs Human rights, Policy, Laws and regulations

ВИЧ/СПИД и дискриминация: роль Европейской Конвенции

by проф. Марк Белл
HIV/AIDS in Europe and anti-discrimination law.
WHO European region NGOs Laws and regulations

HIV, AIDS and discrimination: the role of the European Union

by Prof. Mark Bell
HIV/AIDS in Europe and anti-discrimination law.
WHO European region NGOs Laws and regulations

ВИЧ/СПИД и дискриминация: роль Европейской Конвенции

by Karon Monaghan
The European Convention and Human Rights.
WHO European region NGOs Laws and regulations, Human rights

HIV, Aids and Discrimination:The Role of the European Convention

by Karon Monaghan
The European Convention and Human Rights.
WHO European region NGOs Human rights, Laws and regulations

НГО, активизм и участие в судебных процессах

by «Interights»
Toolkit on litigating rights
WHO European region NGOs Capacity building

NGOs, activism and litigating rights (Presentation)

by Interights
Toolkit on litigating rights
WHO European region NGOs Capacity building

Законодательство и судебные системы в отношении ВИЧ/СПИДа (presentation)

by Юсеф Азад - Национальный доверительный фонд по СПИДу
PowerPoint Slides about the third seminar held in a series organised by AIDS Action Europe – ‘European Partners in Action on AIDS’
WHO European region NGOs Policy, Laws and regulations

Legislation and Judicial Systems in relation to HIV and AIDS (Presentation)

by Yusef Azad - National AIDS Trust
PowerPoint Slides about the third seminar held in a series organised by AIDS Action Europe – ‘European Partners in Action on AIDS’
WHO European region NGOs Policy, Laws and regulations

«Три приоритета»

by Юсеф Азад - Национальный доверительный фонд по СПИДу
PowerPoint Slides used during discussion of three top priorities for action and change across the European Region.
WHO European region NGOs Policy

Three Priorities

by Yusef Azad - National AIDS Trust
PowerPoint Slides used during discussion of three top priorities for action and change across the European Region.
WHO European region NGOs Policy

Protégeons notre Coeur

24-pages patient firendly leaflet for PLWHIV on how to keep their heart healthy!
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support

Network Capacity Analysis: rapid assessment guide

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
The overall aim of this toolkit is to build the skills required by civil society networks to develop and strengthen their capacity. It provides a structured approach to generating both quantitative and qualitative information about the situation of the organisation at the time of analysis. The resulting outcomes can also be used to track progress when developing capacity.
Global NGOs Capacity building

NGO Capacity Analysis: A toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV/AIDS

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
In many countries, community-based organisations (CBOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have mobilised to respond to HIV/AIDS. As responses are scaled up, organisations are finding they need to develop their own capacity to deliver and support such programmes. This is a toolkit that can be used to identify capacity building needs, plan technical support interventions and monitor and…
Global NGOs Capacity building

CBO Capacity Analysis: a toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This capacity analysis toolkit was developed to enable community-based organisations (CBOs) to analyse levels of capacity in different organisational and technical areas. The toolkit is based on an existing toolkit developed under the Communities Responding to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (CORE) Initiative, where the International HIV/AIDS Alliance was the consortium partner providing expertise in…
Global NGOs Capacity building

Report Civil Society Forum VI - November 2007

by Martine de Schutter (AIDS Action Europe)
The Civil Society Forum acts as an informal advisory body for the European Think Tank on HIV/AIDS. This fifth meeting of the CSF focused on follow-up of the Bremen Declaration, the European Parliamentary report on the Commission communication and the monitoring process of the Dublin Declaration, among others.
WHO European region NGOs Policy, Human rights, Advocacy

Detention or Prevention?

by AIDS Fonds - STI Aids Netherlands
A report on the impact of the use of criminal law on public health and the position of people living with HIV.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Policy, Laws and regulations, Positive prevention

Netherlands 2008 Country Progress Report

by Centre of Infectious Disease Control RIVM
This report is based on earlier reports and compiled by the Centre of Infectious Disease Control, RIVM. The report was discussed with the Ministery of Foreign Affairs and has been subject of discussion during an STI/HIV Platform meeting, where all relevant NGOs and PHW are represented. STI/Aids Netherlands has been instrumental in coordinating specific response from NGOs, for instance for filling…
Western Europe NGOs, Health care professionals Universal access

Двойная стигма, двойной вызов: Психическое здоровье и ВИЧ/СПИД в Центральной и Восточной Европе и новых независимых государствах

by ОФ "Ментальное здоровье"
Double stigma, double challenge: mental health and HIV/AIDS in Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent Stated. Informational document aims to protect rights of people living with HIV and AIDS.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) HIV and labor, Social issues, Human rights

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