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HIV Testing, Monitoring Implementation of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia: 2018 progress report

by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
This report presents the situation of HIV testing in Europe and Central Asia. It summarises data on implementation of national guidelines that shape HIV testing policies, the provision and uptake of HIV testing services in general and among key populations, and efforts being made to widen engagement with HIV testing and reduce late diagnosis.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Epidemiology, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Treatment

HIV Outcomes - Good Practices in the Long-Term Care of People living with HIV: Learning from Country Experiences Germany and Romania

by HIV Outcomes
This report highlights some good practices in Germany including the introduction of quality-assured specialist services which provide excellent care to people with HIV. Findings and good practices identified in Germany and Romania were presented in the European Parliament in November 2019. This enabled stakeholders to share important learnings that will prove to be valuable in countries across…
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Ageing with HIV, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Quality development and assurance

HIV Outcomes Beyond Viral Suppression

by The Lancet
In the era of modern antiretroviral therapy people living with HIV can expect to live a normal lifespan. However substantial barriers to accessing non-HIV related care exist and impact the wellbeing of this population. Current targets for the HIV response focus on testing, treatment and viral suppression. This new Series, published by The Lancet HIV, and the first for the journal, explores wider…
Global Health care professionals, Policy makers Ageing with HIV, Care and support

Integrate and Partner Notification

by Lella Cosmaro, Fondazione LILA Milano ONLUS, Italy
Lella Cosmaro, working at Fondazione LILA Milano ONLUS, Italy, former AIDS Action Europe (AAE) Steering Committee Member, introduced during AAE's Member and Partner Meeting 2019 the Joint Action on integrating prevention, testing and linkage to care strategies across HIV, viral hepatitis, TB and STIs in Europe. Ms. Cosmaro showed in particular the role of partner notification at Integrate. 
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Affordability, Care and support, Co-infections, Epidemiology, Harm reduction, Human rights, Laws and regulations, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy, Positive prevention, Post-exposure prophylaxis (PeP), Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Prevention, STI's, Stigma and discrimination, Testing and counselling, Treatment as prevention (TasP), Tubercolosis, Viral hepatitis

HIV and the Criminal Code in the Nordic Countries

by Sini Pasanen, Executive Director at Positiiviset ry, HivFinland
Sini Pasanen, Executive Director at Positiiviset ry, HivFinland and AIDS Action Europe's (AAE) Steering Committee Chair, presented at the AAE Member and Partner Meeting 2019 the work around HIV transmission and exposure criminalization in the Nordic Countries.
Northern Europe Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation

Partner Notification and Criminalisation

by Michael Krone, Executive Coordinator, AIDS Action Europe
Michael Krone, Executive Coordinator at AIDS Action Europe, presented at AAE's Member and Partner Meeting 2019 the topic partner notification in the European context, outlining its different backgrounds, different cultures and different history.
WHO European region General public, Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Co-infections, Human rights, Laws and regulations, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy

Working with the media on HIV criminalisation

by Edwin J Bernard, Executive Director, HIV Justice Network
Edwin J Bernard, Executive Director at HIV Justice Network and global co-ordinator of HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE, presented at the AIDS Action Europe Member and Partner Meeting 2019 why media matters in HIV criminalisation advocacy and how to work with media. 
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Gay men and other MSM, General public, Health care professionals, Heterosexuals, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), Migrants, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who are/were in prisons, People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers, Prisoners (ex-), Refugees, Sex workers, Tourists / travellers, Women, Youth Human rights, Media

Criminalisation in England and Wales: Guidelines for Police and Prosecutors

by Calum Douglas, Policy and Campaigns Officer at National AIDS Trust (NAT, UK)
Calum Douglas, Policy and Campaigns Officer at National AIDS Trust (NAT, UK) presented during the AIDS Action Europe Member and Partner Meeting 2019 NAT's good practice on how to improve legal guidance on prosecutions related to HIV and STI transmission.
Global, WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Advocacy, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy

The European HIV Legal Forum – Criminalization of HIV-transmission, exposure and non-disclosure

by AIDS Action Europe
Ferenc Bagyinszky, Project Coordinator at AIDS Action Europe, presented during AIDS Action Europe's Member and Partner Meeting 2019 the European HIV Legal Forum and preliminary findings of its HIV-criminalization project.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Affordability, Co-infections, Inequalities in health, Migration, STI's

HIV Criminalisation in the WHO European region and around the world

by Edwin J Bernard, Executive Director, HIV Justice Network
Edwin J Bernard, Executive Director at HIV Justice Network and Global Co‐ordinator of HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE, presented at AIDS Action Europe Member and Partner Meeting 2019 a broad overview of HIV‐criminal laws and unjust applications of general criminal laws to people living with HIV.
Global General public, Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Human rights, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Stigma and discrimination

Trafficking 101: a community resource for sex workers' rights activists

by International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe
As part of its programme 'Rights not Rescue: Sex Work, Migration, Exploitation and Trafficking', ICRSE is launching a new resource 'Trafficking 101: a community resource for sex workers' rights activists' Trafficking in human beings has become a priority issue of international and national organisations, governments as well as corporations, businesses and philanthropists over the last decades.…
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Migrants, Sex workers Advocacy, Capacity building, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Migration, Policy, Stigma and discrimination

What does Universal Health Coverage mean for People Who Use Drugs: A Technical Brief

by International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD)
This INPUD Technical Brief explains how Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can be both an opportunity and a concern for the health and rights of people who use drugs. 
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD) Care and support, Harm reduction, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy, Universal access

European Prevention Curriculum

by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
A handbook for decision-makers, opinion-makers and policy-makers in science-based prevention of substance use This handbook has been developed with the primary purpose of providing specific reference material for the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) training courses. It also serves to provide a more general introduction to prevention science and, in particular, to science-based interventions…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Advocacy, Care and support, Harm reduction, Testing and counselling, Treatment

Opioid Substitution Treatment and harm reduction training report: challenges for prisons and the criminal justice system

by HA-REACT - Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction
The overall objective of the training was to improve the knowledge of health and social sector personnel working in prisons to help them implement effective OST programs in their countries, looking at the wider harm reduction agenda and at the continuity of care for prisoners who use drugs, who are HIV+ or co-infected (HCV, HBV, TB). The training was designed on the basis of the outcomes and…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, People who are/were in prisons, People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers Care and support, Harm reduction, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Policy, Viral hepatitis

Simplifying models of care for treating hepatits C in people who inject drugs

by HA-REACT - Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction
In this review, we use model of care (MoC) to signify a setting-specific framework that outlines how to provide PWID with relevant services and interventions throughout the HCV cascade of care. Four key questions are critical to simplify models of care for treating hepatitis C in people who use drugs Models of care for HCV in PWID need to be redesigned to reflect the recent availability of direct…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Care and support, Harm reduction, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Policy, Viral hepatitis

Good practice examples of hepatitis C interventions by organisations providing harm reduction services in Europe

by Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network
In 2018, Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN) collected the experiences of 90 organisations from all over Europe related to their viral Hepatitis C activities. The examples presented here were chosen by a review committee based on a questionnaire and an interview conducted by C-EHRN with selected respondents. This selection does not aim to put forward a ‘gold standard’ for harm…
Global NGOs, Policy makers Harm reduction

Hepatitis C interventions by organisations providing harm reduction services in Europe – analysis and examples

by Eberhard Schatz, Roberto Perez Gayo, Ion Raulet
The aim of this project was to identify and select good practice examples in the field of HCV awareness, testing, access to treatment and care for people who use drugs (PWUD) in harm reduction and community settings in Europe and to offer service providers, social and health professionals and policy makers relevant information with which to encourage the development of new HCV interventions for…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Harm reduction

Global AIDS update 2019: Communities at the centre

Defending rights, breaking barriers, reaching people with HIV services
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Gay men and other MSM, Health care professionals, Heterosexuals, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who are/were in prisons, People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers, Prisoners (ex-), Refugees, Sex workers, Women, Youth Epidemiology, Inequalities in health, Monitoring and Evaluation

EU Delegations Unwrapped: A Practical Guide for CSO Engagement with EUDs

by CONCORD: European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development
The handbook provides an overview of the EUDs’ structure and areas of focus, suggesting how to effectively approach EUDs and strategise a medium- to long-term mutually beneficial engagement with them. The handbook is a practical and accessible tool, which can be easily shared and disseminated. It can also be a useful basis for an organisation or a coalition of CSOs developing an EU engagement…
WHO European region NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Laws and regulations

Street Support Good Practice Collection

by Street Support Good Practice Collection
The Street Support Good Practice Collection addresses social services, including social entrepreneurs and adult trainers, municipalities and local governments. The Collection wants to make a substantial contribution to improve current service provision for people who use drugs and/or alcohol in public spaces. The good practice examples aim at inspiring service providers and policy makers by…
Global General public, Health care professionals, NGOs Care and support, Harm reduction

Advancing HIV Justice 3: Growing the global movement against HIV criminalisation

The aim of Advancing HIV Justice 3 is to provide a progress report of achievements and challenges in global advocacy against HIV criminalisation. We hope it will be useful for individuals and organisations working to end or mitigate the harm of HIV criminalisation around the world, as well as for others with an interest in HIV and human rights issues.
Global Health care professionals, Policy makers Advocacy, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy, Stigma and discrimination

Summary of the Activities and Results of the Joint Action on HIV and Co-Infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT)

by HA-REACT - Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction
Reporting Period: October 2015 – January 2019 The Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT) addresses existing gaps in the prevention of HIV and other co-infections, especially tuberculosis and viral hepatitis, among people who inject drugs. The three-year project was launched in late 2015 with core funding by the Health Programme 2014–2020 of the European…
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Advocacy, Capacity building, Harm reduction, Prevention, Quality development and assurance, Resource mobilisation, STI's, Testing and counselling, Treatment, Tubercolosis, Viral hepatitis

Do's and Dont's of sex worker involvement

by ex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN)
In addition to the brief guide on meaningful involvement of sex workers and their organisations in Central-Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) - Nothing about us without us! - SWAN shares a poster highlighting Do's and Dont's of sex worker involvement.
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Care and support, Sexual and reproductive health

Nothing about us without us!

by Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN)
A brief guide on meaningful involvement of sex workers and their organisations in Central-Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA). This brief guide builds on the recommendations formulated by the global sex worker movement and aims to provide law and policy makers, researchers, and civil society stakeholders in Central-Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) with practical advice on how to…
Central Asia, Central Europe, Eastern Europe Health care professionals, NGOs, Sex workers Capacity building, Human rights, Policy, Sexual and reproductive health

People on the move - key to ending AIDS

by NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB
The 2018 NGO Delegation Report to the UNAIDS PCB explores certain key global trends: increasing diversity and complexity of human mobility, the increased prominence of women on the move, the shift in our health paradigm towards a more positive appreciation of development and people on the move, the growing acknowledgement that mobility is not only or even predominantly about crossing…
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Migrants, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Refugees, Tourists / travellers Advocacy, Capacity building, Care and support, Co-infections, Epidemiology, Gender, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Migration, Prevention, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual education, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination

HA-REACT: Report on Harm Reduction Training Package

by HA-REACT - Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction
The training package addresses capacity building and training on harm reduction by providing the means and tools to overcome reluctance towards harm reduction interventions and influence decision makers. The package also should improve knowledge among professionals, facilitated communication and debate between institutions and civil society, and facilitated direct observation and bench marking of…
Global Health care professionals Harm reduction

Declaration of Sexual Rights

by World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)
The WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights was originally proclaimed at the 13th World Congress of Sexology in Valencia, Spain in 1997 and then, in 1999, a revision was approved in Hong Kong by the WAS General Assembly and then reaffirmed in the WAS Declaration: Sexual Health for the Millenium (2008). This revised declaration was approved by the WAS Advisory Council in March, 2014.
Global General public, Health care professionals, NGOs Sexual and reproductive health

Report on the work of the Independent Expert Panel on Prevention of and response to harassment, including sexual harassment; bullying and abuse of power at UNAIDS Secretariat

by Independent Expert Panel on on addressing and preventing harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying and abuse of power in UNAIDS
The Independent Expert Panel was set up at the 42nd UNAIDS PCB meeting that took place in June 2018 to investigate the situation within UNAIDS regarding sexual harramsnet and abuse of power.  This report looks into existing instruments and structures of the UNAIDS and provide recommendations on how the situation can be improved.
Global LGBTI, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Women Capacity building, Gender, HIV and labor, Human rights, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination, Work and HIV

A Practical Toolkit: Implementing Integrated Care Models for People Who Inject Drugs

by HA-REACT - Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction
The aim of the toolkit on Implementing Integrated Care Models for People Who Inject Drugs is to provide information on core recommendations and guidelines on how HIV, HCV and TB prevention and treatment activities could be integrated and combined with harm reduction measures to be effectively included in the work of different organizations who work with people who inject drugs. It includes…
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Care and support, Harm reduction

The Quality Improvement tools of Quality Action Implementation Guide: HIV combination prevention and chemsex interventions

by AIDS Action Europe (AAE)
This implementation guide aims to assist those interventions working on HIV combination prevention and chemsex in improving the quality of their project work Phenomena such as the use of any combination of drugs such as crystal methamphetamine, mephedrone and/or other party drugs before or during sex (chemsex), need to be addressed quickly and adequately. In relationships where any partner is…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Monitoring and Evaluation, Quality development and assurance

Tweeter news