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Interest Groups


by ABRAÇO - Associação de Apoio a Pessoas com VIH/SIDA
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Human rights, Advocacy

Missing the Target #4: Time is running out to end AIDS, treatment and prevention for all!

by International Treatment Preparedness Coalition/ Международная коалиция по готовности к лечению
Fourth report in a series monitoring AIDS treatment scale up in 17 countries. Civil society advocates use a standard research template to identify barriers and solutions to treatment delivery.
Global Health care professionals, General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Policy, Prevention, Treatment

Bringing HIV Prevention to Scale

by Global HIV Prevention Working Group
In its new report the PWG calls for a major scale-up of global HIV prevention programs, citing new data projecting that expanded access to prevention could avert approximately 30 million of the 60 million HIV infections expected to occur by 2015.
Global Health care professionals Testing and counselling, Policy, Prevention

Conference Responsibility & Partnership - Together against HIV/AIDS

by GVG – Association for Social Security Policy and Research
Website containing all presentation held at the ministerial conference "Responsibility & Partnership - Together against HIV/AIDS" that took place in March 2007 in Bremen, Germany, within the framework of the German EU Presidency.
WHO European region NGOs, Health care professionals Prevention, Human rights, Policy

Guidance on Provider-initiated HIV Testing and Counselling in Health Facilities

by World Health Organization
Document responds to growing need at country level for basic operational guidance on provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling in health facilities. It is intended for policy-makers, HIV/AIDS programme planners and coordinators, health-care providers, non-governmental organizations providing HIV/AIDS services and civil society groups.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs, Health care professionals Testing and counselling

FAQ about Microbicides

by Global Campaign for Microbicides
A microbicide is a substance that can reduce transmission of STIs when applied topically.
Global Women, NGOs Gender, Sexual and reproductive health, Research

HIV Positive Women & Microbicides

by Global Campaign for Microbicides
This advocates brief articulates the current concerns and positions of several endorsing organisations regarding microbicides and HIV positive women.
Global NGOs, Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Gender, Prevention, Research

All About Rectal Microbicides

by Global Campaign for Microbicides
Researchers are now seeking answers to questions about rectal microbicides.
Global NGOs Harm reduction, Prevention, Research

Gender Equality in AIDS Prevention

by Global Campaign for Microbicides
We need more prevention options for women.
Global NGOs, Women Research, Prevention, Gender

Гепатит С среди потребителей инъекционных наркотиков в новых странах-членах Европейского Союза и соседних странах: факты и проблемы

The fact sheet is a follow-up material to the regional consultation organized by CEEHRN in March 2006 with the goal to discuss the most urgent problems and share experiences related to HCV prevention, treatment, care and support for drug users.
Central Europe, Eastern Europe People who use drugs (PUD), NGOs Prevention, Treatment, Care and support

Zeigebuch: Informationen zu HIV/ AIDS

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
This brochure is based on visual images & pictures that professionnals can use in the presence of a client to discuss basic facts about HIV infection
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants Migration, Prevention

Female Sexwork

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Evaluation report 2005 of the Female Sexwork project APiS and Don Juan of the Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Western Europe Sex workers, Women Prevention

Strafbarkeit der HIV-Übertragung / Short Version

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
This is a policy paper of the Aids-Hilfe Schweiz concerning the criminalisation of HIV-transmission and enlists the position of the Aids-Hilfe Schweiz towards this important issue. This is the short version
Western Europe Health care professionals, General public Laws and regulations, Human rights, Advocacy

Strafbarkeit der HIV-Übertragung

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
This is a policy paper of the Aids-Hilfe Schweiz concerning the criminalisation of HIV-transmission and enlists the position of the Aids-Hilfe Schweiz towards this important issue
Western Europe Health care professionals, General public Advocacy, Human rights, Laws and regulations

Liebe, Lust & Schutz

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Basic information about safe sex, condom use and misconceptions. Targetted at heterosexual men.
Western Europe Heterosexuals, General public Prevention

Hey Girls!

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
This brochure targets girls in their puberty and discusses all relevant issues around sexuality, HIV, pregnancy, violence and other crucial issues in a life of a young girl
Western Europe Women, Youth, General public Social issues, Sexual education, Prevention

You want to have sex?

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
A leaflet targeting clients of sex workers and listing rules of safe sex and giving basic information about safe sex.
Western Europe Heterosexuals, Sex workers Sexual education, Prevention

Bist Du sicher? Alles zur Frage, ob man sich auch ohne Präservativ schützen kann

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Broschure discusses strategies MSM might use to manage risk and whether these strategies are safe, it also looks at different sex practices and dicusses their implications
Western Europe Prevention, Sexual education

HIV/Aids - What are the risks and what's safe / For Women

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Basic informations about HIV/Aids for migrants; discusses topics such as STI, condom use, counselling, infection etc.
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Women Prevention, Sexual and reproductive health, Migration

HIV/Aids - What are the risks and what's safe / For Men

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Basic informations about HIV/Aids for migrants; discusses topics such as STI, condom use, counselling, infection etc.
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention, Sexual and reproductive health, Testing and counselling

Job und HIV - Ein Leitfaden für HIV-positive Stellensuchende und Arbeitnehmende

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
This broschure discusses job related issues around HIV: how to apply for a job as a HIV-positive persons, questions related to social- and health insurances, problems people living with HIV/Aids might face in the work environment, etc.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Social issues, HIV and labor, Advocacy

HIV-positive - What next?

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
A broschure for HIV-positive people newly diagnosed. Describes basic facts about HIV-infection, the first stepps after the diagnosis - where to turn to, how to choose a physician -, and questions related to coping with the infection.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Prevention, Social issues, Care and support

Ready for Treatment?

by Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
This brochure discusses the question whether or not to start HAART: what are the benefits, where are the problems, how do PLWHA find out if they're ready to start treatment, what are the questions people need to consider first, etc.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Hepatitis C Among Injecting Drug Users in the New EU member States and Neighborhood: Key facts and issues

by Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network
The fact sheet is a follow-up material to the regional consultation organized by CEEHRN in March 2006 with the goal to discuss the most urgent problems and share experiences related to HCV prevention, treatment, care and support for drug users.
Eastern Europe, Central Europe People who use drugs (PUD) Treatment, Prevention, Care and support

Hepatitis C Among Injecting Drug Users in the New EU Member States and Neighboring Countries: Situation, Guidelines and Recommendations

by Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network
The report focuses on the situation with hepatitis C among injecting drug users in the 13 countries of the region (core focus given to the new member states of the European Union (EU), looking at the availability of HCV prevention services, including low threshold testing for drug users, access to treatment and care for injecting drug users and availability of support for people with hepatitis C.
Eastern Europe, Central Europe People who use drugs (PUD) Care and support, Treatment, Sexual and reproductive health

Reader Monitoring and Evaluation

by AIDS Action Europe
Backgrounder for the European seminar on Monitoring & Evaluation that took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 23-25 November 2006. The seminar was hosted by STI AIDS Netherlands for AIDS Action Europe.
Global NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation

HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Caribbean Regions

The Caribbean has the second highest HIV prevalence rate in world, after sub-Saharan Africa, and AIDS is a leading cause of death among 15-44 year-olds in the region.
Global General public, NGOs, Health care professionals Human rights, Treatment, Research

Оценка потребностей среди членских организаций Европейского действия по СПИДу

by Симона Меркинайте - CEEHRN
The main goal of the needs assessment was to provide AIDS Action Europe an understanding of main issues in the region that need advocacy work and guidelines on possible AAE role in the process.
WHO European region NGOs Advocacy

Coordinating with communities

by AfriCASO-Alliance-ICASO
A new set of guidelines that aim to strengthen the active and meaningful involvement of the community sector in the development, implementation and monitoring of coordinated national AIDS responses. The guidelines provide practical options – including standards, structures, processes and methods – from which stakeholders can select those most appropriate and useful to their own contexts.
Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public

Лиссабонская декларация по тюрьмам

by Ambros Uchtenhagen
This agenda is a policy declaration. It envisages an evidence-based policy regarding drug-related problems in the prison milieu.
WHO European region NGOs, People who are/were in prisons Human rights, Harm reduction

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