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Interest Groups

Our right to the highest attainable standard of health

by Human Rights Centre / IFHHRO
The fact sheet, entitled "Our right to the highest attainable standard of health", aims to provide a very short, concise and accessible introduction to the right to the highest attainable standard of health, In 8 pages, it describes what is the right to health, who is responsible for ensuring this right, how those responsible can be held accountable, and why it is important to integrate the…
Global General public Human rights

Community engagement for antiretroviral treatment - trainer's manual

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This manual is designed for participatory training on comprehensive support for ART, targeted primarily at NGO and CBO staff and volunteers.
Global NGOs, Health care professionals Treatment, Testing and counselling, Prevention

HIV/AIDS in Europe

by Christine McCafferty
Report adopted in September 2006 in the committee of Social Health and Family Affairs of the parliamentary assembly.
WHO European region General public, NGOs Advocacy, Policy

Resolution on HIV in Europe

by Parliamentary Assembly
The document can be used as an advocacy tool in the EU and in neighbouring countries since the Council of Europe region corresponds to the wide European region. The Resolution on HIV in Europe was adopted by the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe in January 2007.
WHO European region General public, NGOs Advocacy, Policy

FAAVM Framework on HIV/AIDS in the Americas

The FAAVM National Health Council HIV/AIDS awareness initiative aims to increase global understanding of the epidemic, by presenting an overview its devastative effects within the United States of America (USA), Canada, and South American Countries; amongst adults men and women, focusing mostly on children and youth.
Global NGOs, General public, Ethnic minorities Epidemiology, Social issues, Human rights

Report Civil Society Forum V - April 2007

by Martine de Schutter (AIDS Action Europe)
The Civil Society Forum acts as an informal advisory body for the European Think Tank on HIV/AIDS. This fifth meeting of the CSF focused on follow-up of the Bremen Declaration, the European Parliamentary report on the Commission communication and the monitoring process of the Dublin Declaration, among others.
WHO European region NGOs Advocacy, Human rights, Policy

European Expert Meeting on Positive Prevention

by STI AIDS Netherlands/AIDS Action Europe
Report of an European expert meeting in 2005 on positive prevention: prevention aimed at people living with HIV. The report contains principles of positive prevention, tools and best practices and recommendations for next steps.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Positive prevention, Policy, Human rights

The Lisbon Agenda for Prisons

by Ambros Uchtenhagem
This agenda is a policy declaration. It envisages an evidence-based policy regarding drug-related problems in the prison milieu.
WHO European region People who are/were in prisons Human rights, Harm reduction

Community intervention in prison

by Peter Wiessner (EATG) and Cinzia Brentari (Cranstoun drug services)
This report is the outcome of a workshop and contains recommendations about the challenges of community interventions for incarcerated people.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People who are/were in prisons Harm reduction

Recommendations on universal access to HIV services for migrants and ethnic groups in the European Region

by The EU HIV/AIDS Civil Society Forum
These recommendations that call upon the European Parliament, the European Commission, the EU Council, Council of Europe and the Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area of CEEA (Central Europe Eastern Asia) have been agreed upon during the EU HIV/AIDS Civil Society Forum Meeting in Bremen, March 13, 2007
WHO European region NGOs Migration

Global Fund Workshop 18-21 March 2007 - Challenges and lessons learnt

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This document describes the challenges and lessons learnt with regard to managing a Global Fund (GF) grant. Each section outlines do's and don'ts for the different stages of the GF grant cycle.
Global NGOs Capacity building

Universal Access Campaigner's Update

by WAC
World AIDS Campaign publishes a quarterly newsletter, the Universal Access Campaigner's Update to highlight AIDS campaigning efforts from around the world. In particular, the newsletter highlights campaigns that hold leaders accountable to keeping their promises on universal access to treatment, care and prevention. Please click on the link below to receive our quarterly e-newsletter directly in…
Global General public Prevention, Treatment, Care and support

World AIDS Day materials 2006

by WAC
Click on the below link to view or download information from the 2006 World AIDS Day CD-Rom.
Global General public

International Night of Solidarity Concept Paper

by WAC/Action Against AIDS - Germany
This is the concept paper for Night of Solidarity events happening on 2 June 2007. The purpose of these events are to shine the spotlight on HIV and AIDS during the G8 events in Germany. Please download this paper to learn how you can create your own event.
Global, Central Europe, Western Europe General public Advocacy, Media, Policy

Законодательные и судебные системы

by Национальный доверительный фонд по СПИДу «National AIDS Trust», март 2006
Results of a European Survey. Pre-seminar Report, National AIDS Trust.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Social issues, Laws and regulations, Human rights

Towards Universal Access - Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS health interventions in the Health Sector

The progress report warned many obstacles remain to meeting the United Nations' target of universal access to HIV/Aids prevention and care programmes by 2010. However, the report said "substantial, ongoing progress" had been made towards improving treatment and diagnosis of people with HIV.
Global General public, Health care professionals, NGOs Prevention

8th European Migrants Meeting Report

by Simon Forrest
From 29 September to 2 October 2005, the 8th European Migrants Meeting took place in Lisbon, Portugal. It was co-organised by AIDS & Mobility Europe and its Portuguese partner, the High Commissioner for Health - HIV/AIDS National Coordination. The overall theme was 'New Trends and Innovative Actions in the Field of HIV/AIDS'.
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Migration, Social issues

European Expert Meeting 'Addressing the Rise in HIV and STI Rates among MSM in Western Europe' , Final Report

by Schorer, Gay and Lesbian Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With financial and logistic support of the Aids Fonds, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
An extensive report of a small scale, two day multidisciplinary meeting of Western European health care professionals and researchers. The report includes all the specifically prepared background papers, oral reviews and powerpoint presentations, brief summaries of the discussions and a conclusive final chapter.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs Prevention, Positive prevention, Research

Report Civil Society Forum IV - March 2007

by Martine de Schutter (AIDS Action Europe)
The Civil Society Forum acts as an informal advisory body for the European Think Tank on HIV/AIDS. This fourth meeting of the CSF focused on the implementation of the Bremen Declaration, human rights, and the monitoring process of the Dublin Declaration, among others.
WHO European region NGOs Advocacy, Policy

Позитивная жизнь

This brochure is for those who have just found out their diagnosis of HIV positive. Here you will be able to find experience of people who already have gone through this experience, also answers to your main questions and information about HIV and how to live with HIV-positive.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support

Синдром эмоционального сгорания. Что делать?

by «СПИД Фонд Восток0Запад»/ AIDS Foundation East-West
This brochure analyses the syndrome of emotional burnout and its consequences.
Eastern Europe NGOs, Health care professionals Capacity building, Prevention

A, B, C, D гепатиты

by Благотворительный фонд “За здоровое общество”/ Charitable Foundation “For a Healthy Society”
This brochure is first of all for people who live with any kind of hepatitis, their relatives and close ones, also for those interested in hepatitis related problems. Goal of the brochure is to educate on hepatitis. Here you will find information about acute viral hepatitis, modes of transmission, symptoms and currently available treatment options in Russian Federation.
Eastern Europe General public Prevention, Co-infections

East European & Central Asian Union of PLWH Organisations/ Восточноевропейское и Центральноазиатское объединение организаций ЛЖВ

by East European & Central Asian Union of PLWH Organisations/ Восточноевропейское и Центральноазиатское объединение организаций ЛЖВ
Informational brochure about East European & Central Asian Union of PLWH Organisations (ECUO). In response to the epidemic and with the goal of uniting the efforts of the PLWH communities in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in September 2005 there was created the Eastern European and Central Asian Union of PLWH organizations (ECUO).
Eastern Europe, Central Asia NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public


by Tikra Produkcija
Song dedicated to remember musicians of Lithuania and all other people in the world, who died from the greatest disasters of nowadays - AIDS and drugs.
Eastern Europe General public Media, Social issues

Monitoring and Evaluation from a donor perspective

by Richard South
Presentation by Richard South (GSK) during the AIDS Action Europe best practice seminar on monitoring and evaluation.
Global NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation

From Activism to professional Service Provision

by Nataliya Salabai
Presentation by senior M&E officer of the Ukrainian Network of PLWHA at AIDS Action Europe Seminar on M&E.
Eastern Europe NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation in MSF Holland

by Peter Giesen - MSF
Presentation held during AIDS Action Europe best practice seminar on M&E about development and implementation of logical framework and M&E system.
Western Europe NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation

HIV, Reproductive Health and Millenium Development Goals: A tool to monitor progress

by Maria de Bruyn, Ipas
Presentation held during AIDS Action Europe Best Practice Seminar on Monitoring and Evaluation. Fullfilling reproductive rights for women affected by HIV/AIDS. A tool for monitoring progress toward 3 MDGs.
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Women Monitoring and Evaluation, Sexual and reproductive health

Program Monitoring and Evaluation (Draft)

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Ukraine
Draft practical manual for organizations coordinating and implementing prevention projects among IDUs, CSWs, MSM, Prisoners and Care and Support Projects for PLWHA.
Global NGOs, Health care professionals Monitoring and Evaluation

Use of HIV/AIDS surveillance data for Program Planning and M&E

by UNDP / Andrija Stampar School of Public Health
Presentation by Jadranka Mimica during AIDS Action Best Practice Seminar on M&E.
WHO European region NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation

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