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Interest Groups

Коротко о ВИЧ/СПИДе и правах человека (HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in a Nutshell)

by Mindy Jane Roseman, Sofia Gruskin, ICASO, et al./ Минди Джейн
HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in a Nutshell is intended to provide a quick and useful guide for action, as well as an inspirational framework to carr y HIV/AIDS and human rights actions forward.
Global Human rights

Дублинская декларация о партнерстве в борьбе с ВИЧ/СПИДом в Европе и Центральной Азии (Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia)

by Conference “Breaking the Barriers – Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia”/ Конференции "Ломая преграды – партнерство в борьбе с ВИЧ/СПИДом в Европе и Централь
Governments from Europe and Central Asia, together with invited observers, met in Dublin, Ireland, from 23 to 24 February 2004, for the Conference “Breaking the Barriers – Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia” and made this declaration.
WHO European region Advocacy, Policy

Декларация о приверженности делу борьбы с ВИЧ/СПИДом (Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS)

by United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS/ Генеральная Ассамблея Организации Объединенных Наций по ВИЧ/СПИДу
Declaration adopted at United Nations 26 special session of the General Assembly, convened as a matter of urgency, to address the problem of HIV/AIDS in all its aspects, and to secure a global commitment to enhancing coordination and intensification of national, regional and international efforts to combat it in a comprehensive manner.
Global NGOs Advocacy, Policy

Адвокация в сфере ВИЧ/СПИДа: пособие (Advocacy in the Field of HIV/AIDS: Guide)

by Russian Harm Reduction Network/ Всероссийская сеть снижения вреда
Guide focuses on human rights issues in the context of HIV/AIDS, analyses advocacy strategies and process, includes list of legal documents related to HIV/AIDS, practical recommendations, references.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Advocacy

Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia

by Conference “Breaking the Barriers – Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia”
Governments from Europe and Central Asia, together with invited observers, met in Dublin, Ireland, from 23 to 24 February 2004, for the Conference “Breaking the Barriers – Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia” and made this declaration.
WHO European region NGOs, General public Advocacy, Policy

Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS

by United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS
Declaration adopted at United Nations 26 special session of the General Assembly, convened as a matter of urgency, to address the problem of HIV/AIDS in all its aspects, and to secure a global commitment to enhancing coordination and intensification of national, regional and international efforts to combat it in a comprehensive manner.
Global General public, NGOs Advocacy, Policy

Let's talk about AIDS

by Youth of JAZAS
Youth friendly brochure about HIV/AIDS, small format with illustrations.
Central Europe Youth, General public Prevention, Testing and counselling

Enjoy safely. Use condom.

by Youth of JAZAS
TV clip made for WAD Campaign 2005. All characters in the clip are volunteers of Youth of JAZAS.
Central Europe General public, Youth Prevention

What is your excuse?

by Youth of JAZAS
TV clip - part of a regional SEE campaign - 2003.
Central Europe General public, Youth Prevention, Human rights

Don’t Let Prejudices Judge

by Youth of JAZAS
TV clip - part of a first PLWH anti-discrimination campaign, 2002.
Central Europe General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Human rights, Laws and regulations, Media

I Love Life. Do you?

by Youth of JAZAS
TV on made for WAD Campaign 2001
Central Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Prevention, Human rights

Fact sheet on HIV/AIDS in Europe

by European Centre for Desease Prevention and Control
Concise overview of the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Europe in 2005.
WHO European region General public Research

Play it Smart. Keep on Living.

by Youth of JAZAS
TV Clip for the WAD Campaign 1999.
Central Europe General public Prevention

Put the Medal on!

by Youth of JAZAS
TV clip produced for WAD Campaign - 1998.
Central Europe General public Prevention

Good in offense. Best in defense.

by Youth of JAZAS
TV clip made by Youth of JAZAS for the summer campaign during the Football World Cup - France 1998.
Central Europe General public Prevention


by Youth of JAZAS
TV Clip produced and used by Youth of JAZAS for the activities during 1997.
Central Europe General public Prevention

Oh, God I'm coming!

by Youth of JAZAS
TV Clip produced by Youth of JAZAS on the ocassion of December 1, WAD - 1997.
Central Europe General public Prevention

Shelley v. The United Kingdom, submission to the European Court of Human Rights

by National AIDS Trust
Submission to the European Court of Human Rights regarding the provision of needle exchange services in prisons.
Western Europe NGOs, People who are/were in prisons Harm reduction, Human rights, Laws and regulations

HIV Forensics: The use of phylogenetic analysis as evidence in criminal investigation of HIV transmission

by National AIDS Trust, NAM
This short briefing paper is aimed at professionals working in the criminal justice system and HIV professionals who may be called as expert witnesses in criminal HIV transmission cases. It may also be useful for people working in HIV support organisations and HIV-positive individuals. It aims to explain how phylogenetic analysis should and should not be used in criminal trials for the reckless…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs Advocacy, Laws and regulations

WHO Technical Consultation on the criminalization of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections

by WHO Europe in collaboration with EATG and AIDS Action Europe
In October 2006, the WHO Regional Office for Europe convened the first in a series of technical consultations on the criminalization of HIV and other STIs transmission and exposure. The report provides an overview of key issues, challenges, policies and practices related to the criminalization of HIV and other STIs in Europe.
WHO European region NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who are/were in prisons Human rights, Laws and regulations, Policy


by Iris Shiripinda & Bertus Tempert - STI AIDS Netherlands
Sexual Health of HIV Positive Heterosexuals from black and minority backgrounds in the Netherlands. The study was carried out as a part of the project sexual health of people living with HIV in order to obtain data for a sexual health protocol for PLWHIV.
Western Europe Ethnic minorities, Heterosexuals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Positive prevention, Sexual and reproductive health

Basispakket soa/hiv-bestrijding voor medische opvang asielzoekers

by Soa Aids Nederland / GGD NL
A basic package about combating STI and HIV among asylum seekers in the Netherlands. The package contains prevention strategies, training material, methods and useful addresses.
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Health care professionals Prevention, Sexual education

Spot: AIDS - Remember me?

by DG Sanco
Tv spot of the 'AIDS - Remember me?' awareness raising campaign that was organised by the European Commission to urge young people in particular to remember that HIV/AIDS is still with us and to protect themselves. The slogan also invites people to remember those who lost their lives to the disease.
Eastern Europe General public, Youth Prevention, Media

How do the media operate?

by Be Media
This presentation gives an update on media strategy and planning that will help you selecting the most effective media channels. BeMedia is the primary contact of the Belgian media for all aspects related to government communication.
Global NGOs Media


by European Commission
Report aims to present the main results obtained during a poll conducted by the European Commission in order to find out what people know about HIV/AIDS in the 25 Member States and the acceding & candidate countries and the non government controlled areas of Cyprus.
WHO European region General public, NGOs Prevention

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit

by Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Developed with the support of international technical agencies and M&E experts, the purpose of the M&E Toolkit is to gather a selection of standard indicators and provide users with references to key materials and resources. The M&E Toolkit focuses mainly on the routine high level reporting of a restricted set of measures of progress. The information package aims to provide those…
Global NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation

Access to Care: Privilege or Right? Migration and HIV Vulnerability in Europe

by Editors: G. Bröring, C. Canter, N. Schinaia and B. Teixeira, October 2003
This publication contains country reports submitted by the National Focal Points of the European Project AIDS & Mobility. Information is provided on: - migrations patterns in the respective countries - attitudes and responses by society at large - policies and politics - communities involved - epidemiological developments - access to treatment, care and support - the relation between…
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants Policy, Research, Treatment

Working with the media - a practical guide

by Lara Garrido - Herrero - European Public Health Alliance
During the AIDS Action Europe seminar on working with the media, Lara Garrido - Herrero presented the EPHA's publication 'Working with the media'. The aim of the guide is to help NGOs and other health communicators become more active and effective in their relations with the media. The presentation highlights the ten ethical guidelines for health communicators as described in the guide.
Global NGOs Media

Workshop 'Talk about sex'

by LDV United
During the AIDS Action Europe seminar on working with the media (September 2006), a fieldtrip was organised to one of the top 3 creative advertising agencies in Belgium. LDV United hosted a session on positioning your organisation in the media.
Western Europe NGOs Media

An European Campaign - The Flying condom

by Thierry Martin - Plate-forme Prevention Sida
Presentation held by Thierry Martin during the AIDS Action Europe seminar on working with the media. It describes a 3-years mass media campaign (1994-1996) organised by the Agence Prevention Sida in Belgium targeting young tourists at their holiday destination. The main message was condom promotion.
WHO European region Tourists / travellers, NGOs, General public, Youth Sexual education, Prevention, Media

Tweeter news