27 Mar 2024

Call for Interest - Training of Trainers on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

We are excited to announce our second round of Training of Trainers (ToT) on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex, and we kindly invite you to express your interest in participating.


This ToT aims to build and strengthen the capacity of AAE member organisations that offer sexual health services to GBQMSM and are willing to build/improve their services in the context of chemsex and/or to harm reduction providers willing to expand their services towards chemsex, ensuring they are inclusive and responsive to the needs of the communities.

The training will be based on the “Harm Reduction in the Context of ChemSex: Training Manual” authored and led by Antonios Poulios. The trainer will elaborate on the topics covered in the training manual (definitions of chemsex, problematic chemsex, harm reduction in the context of chemsex and others), as well as offer insights on the training delivery process, ensuring participants are well-equipped to disseminate knowledge within their organisations and/or communities.

The training will take place in Athens for 3 days in June (final dates tbc).

We want to make sure that everyone who attends the training gets the most out of it. Therefore, the number of training participants is limited to 12 individuals. 

We are inviting all qualified and interested individuals to apply for this training opportunity. You can find the eligibility criteria and requirements here

Please submit your application by April 11.

Contact us

c/o Deutsche Aidshilfe

Wilhelmstr 138

10963 Berlin, Germany


+49 30 69 00 87

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