Today, we would like to share with you the report on HIV Criminalisation in the EU, which is a result of the two-phase study AAE conducted in the framework of the European HIV Legal Forum.
In the first phase in 2018-2019, the data was collected from 10 countries. In the second phase, 2022 the data from the initial 10 countries was updated and collected from 10 new ones. The report includes information on the impact of legislation introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as trends, developments, and expected changes regarding the criminalisation of HIV.
The report shows that in most of the countries covered by the report, there is still a substantial gap in the scientific knowledge and understanding of judges, prosecutors and the police. These gaps include lack of or outdated information regarding HIV transmission, prevention, and treatment options, as well as how scientific methods should be used, and their limitations when they are used to establish proof.
Priorities in relation to HIV criminalisation
Through feedback of the EHLF partners who informed the report on HIV Criminalisation and analysis of the main challenges the countries face, we have noted the following priorities in political and legal approaches to HIV criminalisation.