Gay men and HIV/AIDS 2013 - Schwule Männer und HIV/AIDS 2013
The 10th survey on the health-related behavior of gay men and other men who have sex with men provides two essential findings. Firstly, although a total of condom use has declined in recent years, but this fact cannot be equated with a decreasing HIV-protective behavior. Rather, other protective strategies are applied, which can be interpreted as an adaptation to the good treatability of HIV infection. Furthermore, it was the first time the concept of "Syndemie production" as the basis for the data collection and analysis. It can be shown that the social devaluation of homosexuality stigmatization of HIV-positive people, exclusion, the psychological well-being as well as drug use and HIV-related protection behavior can influence each other. The authors therefore call for a holistic view of the health of sexual minorities and the further development of adequate health services.