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Interest Groups

TUBIDU Policy Brief: Empowering the Public Health System and Civil Society to Fight the Tuberculosis Epidemic among Vulnerable Groups

by TUBIDU, a European Commission Health Programme funded project
People who inject drugs (PWID) are at high risk of contracting tuberculosis (TB), whether or not they are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The higher risk of TB observed in PWID is usually the result of associated HIV infection, but it is often more prevalent amongst those with a history of imprisonment, and those living in cramped conditions or in dwellings with poor…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers Advocacy, Prevention, Treatment, Tubercolosis

AAE Strategic Framework 2015-2017: Continuity and Innovation - Towards a more effective Response to HIV

by © AIDS Action Europe c/o Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
The AAE Steering Committee has defined an overall strategy and clear agenda spanning 2015–2017 that align AAE’s work with growing concerns. Through this, we will strengthen our response to the epidemic, maintain our commitments and provide a framework in which we can prioritise our actions. It is AAE’s duty to keep HIV/AIDS and co-infections as priorities on EU, national and regional health…
WHO European region General public, Health care professionals Advocacy, Affordability, Capacity building, Care and support, Harm reduction, Human rights, Laws and regulations, Migration, Social issues, STI's, Stigma and discrimination, Testing and counselling, Treatment

HIV for non-HIV specialists

by Dr Ann Sullivan, Dr Emma Devitt, Ruth Lowbury (second edition) (based on first edition by Dr Rachel Baggaley)
The booklet provides essential information for healthcare professionals in secondary care on: -the clinical diagnosis of HIV in non-HIV specialist settings, with photographs -how to offer an HIV test and give results -barriers to HIV testing for clinicians & patients / strategies for overcoming them -the background & context of HIV in the UK -HIV testing where the patient lacks capacity…
Global, Western Europe Health care professionals Epidemiology, Testing and counselling, Treatment

HIV terapijas maiņa un zāļu rezistence

by Society Association HIV.LV
Šī brošūra par HIV infekcijas terapijas maiņu un zāļu rezistenci paskaidros: 1) Kad un kāpēc ārstēšana būtu jāmaina? 2) Kādus testus izmanto un ko nozīmē to rezultāti? 3) Kā piemeklēt zāles nākošajai kombinācijai? 4) Kā nostiprināt pārliecību par to, ka nākošā ārstēšana iedarbosies labāk?
Eastern Europe, WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

AfroLebenVoice - our voices against discrimination: a photovoice project with HIV-positive immigrants

by Mitglieder von Afro-Leben plus (Netzwerk der HIV-positiven Migrant/inn/en), Tanja Gangarova, Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger
Photovoice – Giving photos a voice, making photos tell a story, using photos to visualise personal stories, using photos to give people a voice.
Central Europe Ethnic minorities Media

Evaluation of the implementation of the Commission Communication: Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and the neighbouring countries, 2009–2013

by J. Hofman, J. Exley, T. Bienkowska-Gibbs, S. Castle-Clarke, M. Morgan Jones, V. Van Dyck, S. Gonzalo, J. Corbett, F. Lejeune, E. Nolte
HIV/AIDS and associated infections remain a significant public health issue in Europe. The most recent policy instruments at the European Union level to address HIV/AIDS in Europe are the European Commission Communication "Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and the neighbouring countries, 2009–2013" and its associated Action Plan. The evaluation was conducted between September 2013 and…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe Health care professionals, Policy makers Advocacy, Epidemiology

Determinants of HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention needs among African migrants in Germany; a cross-sectional survey on knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices

by Claudia Santos-Hövener, Ulrich Marcus, Carmen Koschollek, Hapsatou Oudini, Mara Wiebe, Omer Idrissa Ouedraogo, Adama Thorlie, Viviane Bremer, Osamah Hamouda, Marie-Luise Dierks, Matthias an der Heiden and Gérard Krause
Migrants from sub-Saharan Africa (MisSA) are a relevant sub-group for HIV-transmission in Germany. A total of 10-15 % of all newly diagnosed cases are MisSA, and approximately one third acquired HIV in Germany. There is limited information on knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices (KABP) regarding sexual health in African communities residing in Germany.
Central Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Research

WORKING TOGETHER a Community-Driven Guide to Meaningful Involvement in National Responses to HIV

by Sarah Middleton-Lee and Charlie Baran
Working Together is a guide to increase and improve the meaningful involvement of the community sector in all aspects of national responses to HIV, with an emphasis on national planning and decision-making processes.
Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Advocacy, Capacity building, Policy

Recency and frequency of HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Germany and socio-demographic factors associated with testing behaviour

by Ulrich Marcus, Martyna Gassowski, Martin Kruspe and Jochen Drewes
Testing for presence of HIV infection is a pre-requisite to qualify for antiretroviral treatment. A considerable proportion of German men who have sex with men (MSM) infected with HIV have a CD4 cell count below 350 cells/μl at time of diagnosis and are thus defined as “late presenters”.
Central Europe Gay men and other MSM Testing and counselling


by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
In this report AFEW communicate the urgency of attention, both political and financial, that is needed in the region to inhibit the spread of HIV. Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the only region in the world where HIV incidence continues to climb, already reaching 1.5 million people. In this region, fewer than 50% of people who use drugs, sex workers and men who have sex with men have access…
Central Asia, Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Prevention, Testing and counselling

Policy Brief: Transgender People and HIV

by WHO
This technical brief summarizes essential information and existing WHO recommendations for HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care among transgender populations.
Global Health care professionals, Policy makers Care and support, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (PYP): Toolkit for Prison Staff PART2

by WIAD – Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors
The Project „Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP)” received funding from the European Commission, Directorate General, Health and Consumers, Grant Agreement Nr. 20091212.
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, WHO European region People who are/were in prisons, Youth Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (PYP): Toolkit for Prison Staff PART1

by WIAD – Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors
The Project „Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP)” received funding from the European Commission, Directorate General, Health and Consumers, Grant Agreement Nr. 20091212.
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, WHO European region People who are/were in prisons, Youth Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature Review in Bulgaria

by Ivan Popov
Prison system (also the remand centers) and the probation service are in the structure of the Ministry of Justice. There are total of 13 prisons in Bulgaria - eight of them are for recidivists, three are for non-recidivists, one is for women and one is for juveniles.
Central Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Treatment

Leaflet of the project "Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP)"

by WIAD – Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors
Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP) - Funded by the Public Health Programme of the European Commission (2008-2013)
Central Europe, Eastern Europe People who are/were in prisons, Youth Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment


by Anne-Laure Macherey for Doctors of the World – Médecins du monde International Network
Тhе 12 countries are Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom. In this legal report on access to healthcare MdM systematically address four aspects from the specific point of view of people facing multiple health vulnerabilities, these aspects are healthsystem coverage, depth of coverage, affordability and…
Global (Undocumented) Migrants, Refugees, Youth Care and support, Laws and regulations, Treatment
Aids Action Europe

Hepatitis C in EECA countries - Epidemic and response (Гепатит С в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии - Эпидемия и ответные меры)

by Ludmilla Majstat, Sergey Golovin, Elena Dejneka, Tatjana Khan (Людмила Майстат, Сергей Головин, Елена Дейнека, Татьяна Хан)
This document gives an overview about the most important aspects of Hepatitis C in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia and their response. It describes the work of NGOs and people living with Hepatitis C.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe Health care professionals Care and support

Consolidated strategic information guidelines for HIV in the health sector

by WHO
This guidance consolidates, prioritizes and describes key indicators to monitor the national and global response of the health sector to HIV. Its goal is to help countries choose, collect and systematically analyse strategic information to guide the health sector response to HIV. The aim of consolidation is to ensure that all indicators are in one place, are prioritized and linked in a result…
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, HIV and labor

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Non-specialist summary of the project’s report

by WIAD – Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors
Young prisoners have particular needs that are different from other prisoners.They are often more disadvantaged than their counterparts in the community and this can both have a negative impact on their health and be a factor in their initial offending (Prison Reform Trust, 2012).
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): EU-7 Countries Final Report

by Prof Fatemeh Rabiee and Stavroula Bibila
We would like to thank all participants of this project including the young offenders who completed the survey questionnaires and those who took part in the focus groups, prison staff who completed the survey questionnaires, prison staff and NGO members who took part in the interviews for giving us .....
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Guidelines for National Literature Reviews

by Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors
These are the guidelines for the national literature reviews to be provided by the associated partners of the HPYP project until the end of August 2010.
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Final Evaluation Report

by Caren Weilandt, WIAD
The project evaluation of the Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP) project was carried out by Professor Morag MacDonald from Birmingham City University.
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature Review Romania

by Anamaria Szabo
The main systems responsible with offender rehabilitation in Romania are the social work system and the criminal justice system. The first targets non-criminally liable under-aged offenders and uses as rehabilitation means a series of special protection measures, which aim at protecting their rights and re-establishing the environment needed for proper development.
Central Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature review Latvia

by Anda Karnite, MPH
According to the Youth Law of the Republic of Latvia young people are persons from 13 to 25 years of age.
Eastern Europe People who are/were in prisons Treatment, Care and support

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature Review England and Wales

by see document
This review presents an overview of the national literature about health promotion amongst young people in prison in the UK.
Central Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature review of Estonia

by see document
The “Guidelines for Development of Criminal Policy until 2018”1 for Estonia define long-term objectives and activities on the basis of which the public sector shall plan and perform its activities. One of the primary objectives is juvenile delinquency.
Eastern Europe People who are/were in prisons Treatment, Care and support

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature Review GERMANY

by Caren Wiegand (M.A.)
In Germany, the criminal liability of a young offender depends after all on the age of the young person by the time of the offence. There is a difference made in between a juvenile (between 14 and under 18 years old) and a young adult (between 18 and under 21 years old).
Central Europe People who are/were in prisons Treatment, Care and support

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Literature Review Czech Republic

by JUDr. Michaela Štefunková, PhD.; Mgr. Martin Bayer; Mgr. Kateřina Grohmannová
The main aim of the following document is to provide a short overview regarding the issue of health promotion for young prisoners in the Czech Republic.
Central Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (HPYP): Research Report Bulgaria

by Ivan Popov
The Association of Varna Organizations for Drug Prevention has been involved in the project ‘’Health Promotion For Young Prisoners (HPYP)” since 2010. It is coordinated by the Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors (WIAD), and is financed by EC.
Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Europe Youth, People who are/were in prisons Care and support, Harm reduction, Treatment

Health Promotion for Young Prisoners (PYP): Toolkit for Prison Staff

by Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors
Young prisoners have particular needs that are different from other prisoners. They are often more disadvantaged than their counterparts in the community and this can have a negative impact on their health.
Central Europe Youth, People who are/were in prisons Treatment, Care and support, Harm reduction

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