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Interest Groups

Prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men and transgender people

by World Health Organization (WHO)
This guideline provides recommendations for regional and country partners on appropriate interventions designed to address needs of MSM and transgender people. It also provides an opportunity to highlight and emphasize the correlation between prevention and treatment in the response to the HIV epidemic among MSM and transgender people.
Global Policy makers, NGOs Policy, Treatment, Prevention

Les brochures Cartes en main

by GRECOS & Plate Forme Prevention Sida
“Cartes en main” (Holding the cards) is a collection of small brochures brief, informative and attractive. They cover topics chosen by people living with HIV and wish to offer the essential information, support, and hope to those who are suddenly confronted with the same infection. In 8 pages mini size, they can carry on the information provided by the health care professionals. Three first…
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals, NGOs Positive prevention, Care and support

New Release! Element 3: Knowledge, 2011 LGBT Scorecard

by AIDS Accountability International
An analysis of global data on HIV Knowledge for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people.
Western Europe, Global, Central Europe NGOs, General public, Women Gender, Prevention, Sexual education

HIV and the Law in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - regional issues paper

by Global Commission on HIV and the Law - UNDP
This analysis is prepared for the Global Commission on HIV and the Law. In May 2011, members of the Global Commission will examine the relationships between legal environments, HIV and the law in a Regional Dialogue with stakeholders from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This paper is meant to provide useful context for the Regional Dialogue.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs, Policy makers Laws and regulations, Human rights

Accessing Health: the Context and the Challenges for LGBT People in Central and Eastern Europe

by Sheila Quinn, ILGA-Europe
This research project is the first of its size and scope carried out among LGBT communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova and Romania. As such, the initiative is of groundbreaking importance and the data collected will serve to inform ongoing advocacy and policy work. The report presents the findings on health and access to the health care system by the LGBT communities…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe NGOs, Policy makers, General public, LGBTI Advocacy, Policy, Universal access

International Human Rights References to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (regarding LGBT populations and HIV/AIDS and STIs)

by Aengus Carroll and Marco Perolini, ILGA-Europe
International human rights references to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.
WHO European region Policy makers, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), LGBTI Policy, Human rights, Research

Rainbow Europe Map and Index (May 2011)

by ILGA-Europe
Published on 17 May - the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The Rainbow Europe Map and Index is a tool to see how European countries are doing when it comes to recognising the human rights of LGBT people.
Central Europe, Western Europe General public, Policy makers, LGBTI Advocacy, Human rights, Policy

Putting health and human rights first: EU HIV/AIDS Civil Society Forum statement on the future drug policies in the EU and beyond

by EU HIV/AIDS Civil Society Forum
The statement addresses those policies which are fuelling the HIV epidemic and related health harms, which is in compliance with the 2009 Commission communication on combating HIV/AIDS in the EU and neighbouring countries. We hope it will add to the voices internationally calling for an evidence- and human rights-based approach to drugs which reduces health-related harms. We also hope it will…
WHO European region NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers Harm reduction, Policy, Human rights

The AIDS Accountability Scorecard on LGBT - Element 2: Prevention

by AIDS Accountability International
The report covers analysis of the degree to which countries are fulfilling commitments to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the response to HIV and AIDS: the AIDS Accountability LGBT Scorecard. This scorecard analysis follows on the previous Scorecards in 2008 and 2009. The LGBT Scorecard will be launched in a sequence of ten brief reports from March to November 2011, each covering…
Global LGBTI, NGOs, Policy makers Monitoring and Evaluation, Human rights, Advocacy

AIDS Accountability Project Framework Report - LGBT Scorecard

by AIDS Accountability International
The Framework Report covers such issues as: - language and glossary of terms - the marginalization of LGBT - accountability and UNGASS reporting - the objective of the LGBT scorecard - LGBT scorecard methodology and research limitations
Global Policy makers, People living with HIV (PLHIV), LGBTI Monitoring and Evaluation, Advocacy, Research

Assessment Survey on Community-based participatory HIV/AIDS prevention and sexual health promotion measures for ethnic minorities and migrant groups (BORDERNETwork: Work Package8)

by Milena Mihaylova, Radostina Antonova, Health and Social Development Foundation (HESED), Bulgaria
Community-based participatory approaches prove their relevance by HIV/STI prevention for and with migrant and ethnic minority groups. In the frame of EU-funded project BORDERNETwork exchange and capacity building is reinforced among NGOs active in prevention measures in migrants/ethnic minorities (Roma). The survey report compiles good practice models and methods from 6 EU and 2 NON-EU countries…
WHO European region Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants, NGOs Migration, Resource mobilisation, Prevention

BORDERNETwork Stocktaking Report: Country-specific Medical Conditions in Diagnostic and Treatment of HIV and Hepatitis B/C Co-infections

by Wolfgang Güthoff, Alexander Leffers, M.A.
The survey was conducted between September and December 2010 by AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V. (AHP) in the frame of the EU-funded project BORDERNETwork, Work Package 7: Referral, management, treatment and care of HIV/STIs and co-infections. In cooperation with Robert Koch Institute (RKI), instruments were developed to obtain and systematize relevant data on the diagnostic and treatment HIV/AIDS and Co-…
WHO European region Health care professionals, Policy makers, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Co-infections, Universal access

Global Commission on Drug Policy Report

by Global Commission on Drug Policy
The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world. The report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy offers principles and recommendations for: - Ending the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others. - Encourage experimentation with models of legal regulation of drugs to…
Global Policy makers, NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD) Prevention, Human rights, Care and support

Don't stop now, finish the job!: Making HIV prevention funding work

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
During the past decade the global response to HIV has made substantial gains. However, the global HIV effort is not yet on track to long-term success. More is needed. In this paper, the Alliance calls on international donors to: 1. Recommit to Universal Access by 2015 2. Invest in rights-based, evidence-informed HIV prevention programmes for and with key populations. 3. Fund country-owned HIV…
Global NGOs, Policy makers Prevention

Universal Access: Moving beyond the rhetoric - a community sector report

by International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO
The report summarizes the findings of a 15 country community sector analysis assessing the status of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in 2010 – the deadline agreed by the world’s governments for universal access. Based on the evidence provided, this report ‘takes stock’ - identifying successes, gaps and challenges.
Global NGOs, Policy makers, Health care professionals Universal access

AIDS at 30: Nations at the crossroads

This reports provides evidence of how much we have achieved and weighs that against our vision for the future: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. It includes scientific analysis, personal insights and results of extensive national and regional consultations at the front lines of the AIDS response.
Global NGOs, Policy makers, General public Epidemiology, Universal access, Prevention

The AIDS Accountability LGBT Scorecard - Element 1: Testing

by Phillipa Tucker
The report covers analysis of the degree to which countries are fulfilling commitments to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the response to HIV and AIDS: the AIDS Accountability LGBT Scorecard. This scorecard analysis follows on the previous Scorecards in 2008 and 2009. The LGBT Scorecard will be launched in a sequence of ten brief reports from March to November 2011, each covering…
Global LGBTI, Policy makers, NGOs Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Advocacy

Posteri "Miljonu mīlēti. Miruši no AIDS."

AGIHAS, a people living with HIV and AIDS support group, issued these posters (A3 and A4) with cards in memoriam of people loved by millions and died of AIDS. Feel free to download and use them.
Eastern Europe, Global General public, Youth, NGOs Care and support, Advocacy

Miljonu mīlēti. Miruši no AIDS.

AGIHAS, a people living with HIV and AIDS support group, issued these cards in memoriam of people loved by millions and died of AIDS.
Eastern Europe General public Care and support

MAN NOZĪMĒTS EFAVIRENZS...REKOMENDĀCIJAS PACIENTIEM. Мне назначен эфавиренц: рекомендации пациентам.

by Society Association HIV.LV
Brochure in two languages - Latvian and Russian - for PLHIV on treatment with Efavirenz. Recommendations for patients in friendly languages.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Apvienība HIV.LV: Tavā kāpņu telpā dzīvo naids?

by King&Banzai Reclam Agency, Society Association HIV.LV
During the winter months the Association implements the social environment campaign “How Understanding Would YOU Be, If You Found Out, That a Person with AIDS Lives in Your Staircase?” in Latvian cities and towns.
Eastern Europe General public Advocacy

Экспресс-оценка ситуации в области доступа к лечению туберкулеза для людей, живущих с ВИЧ/СПИДом, в Латвии

by Society Association HIV.LV
Report on tuberculosis treatment access to PLHIV in Latvia in 2009 - 2010. Supported by ITPCru / TIDES Foundation.
Eastern Europe Policy makers, Health care professionals Monitoring and Evaluation, Co-infections, Advocacy

Ievads HIV/AIDS un psihiskās veselības problēmā. Mācību modulis.

by Social AIDS Commitee. Society Association HIV.LV
Introduction to HIV/AIDS and Mental Health. Training module from the project "Improving the quality of life of People living with HIV/AIDS through developing the system for psychological and psychiatric care." Nordic Council of Ministers’ Support Programme for NGOs in the Baltic Sea Region.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Social issues

Atbalsts cilvēkiem pie īpašām vajadzībām, dzīvojot ar HIV/AIDS. Mācību modulis.

by Social AIDS Commitee. Society Association HIV.LV
Training module "Supporting People With Special Needs Living with HIV/AIDS" from the project "Improving the quality of life of People living with HIV/AIDS through developing the system for psychological and psychiatric care." Nordic Council of Ministers’ Support Programme for NGOs in the Baltic Sea Region.
Eastern Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Advocacy, Social issues, Care and support

Society Association HIV.LV receives The Society Unity Prize from the State

by Latvian Society Integration Foundation, Society Association HIV.LV
The Society Unity Prize was established in 2002 in order to thank those organizations and people who have contributed to development of more humane and united society. The prize for promoting tolerance in 2010 was awarded to Society "Association HIV.LV”.
Eastern Europe NGOs, General public Advocacy

Альтернативный отчет для Специальной сессии Генеральной ассамблеи Организации объединённых наций UNGASS-2010

by Society Association HIV.LV
Alternative Report to UNGASS-2010 on Universal Access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Latvia in Russian. Made with support from ITPCru.
Central Europe NGOs, Policy makers Monitoring and Evaluation, Universal access

Missing the Target: Report on Access to Treatment for People Living with HIV in Latvia

by Society Association HIV.LV
Research for this report was conducted between November 2009 and January 2010. It consisted of an extensive literature and policy documentation review; a review of letters sent by PLHIV in recent years to Apvieniba HIV.LV, a leading HIV advocacy group; and in-depth interviews with a total of 18 people. Made under International Treatment Preparedness Coalition.
Eastern Europe Policy makers, NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Advocacy

Garām mērķim: Ārstēšanas pieejamība cilvēkiem, kas dzīvo ar HIV/AIDS Latvijā. Alternatīvā atskaite UNGASS-2010.

by Society Association HIV.LV
The brochure contains a research "Missing the Target" on HIV treatment in Latvia and a Shadow Report for UNGASS-2010. Issued with support of International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC and ITPCru).
Eastern Europe Policy makers, General public, NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Advocacy, Universal access

C HEPATĪTS: Brošūra cilvēkiem, kuri testējas uz C hepatīta antivielām. ГЕПАТИТ C: брошюра тестирующимся на антитела к гепатиту С.

by Society Association HIV.LV
Bilingual brochure - Latvian and Russian - for those who get testing on antibodies to Hepatitis C. Written in simple language for clients of Harm Reduction Programmes.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals, General public Harm reduction, Epidemiology

Iepazīšanās ar kombinēto antiretrovīrusu terapiju. Grāmata inficētajiem ar HIV un ārstniecības personām vieglajā valodā.

by Society Association HIV.LV
This brochure is adopted from „Introduction to combination therapy” and issued in Latvian with support of European AIDS Treatment Group.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

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