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Interest Groups

HIV and Stigma

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in HIV in the UK today, what stigma and discrimination are, your own feelings about having HIV, how to deal with stigma and discrimination, getting support and championing your rights.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Social issues, Human rights, Stigma and discrimination

HIV and Sex

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in sex and the law, how you might feel about sex after diagnosis, dealing with sexual problems, relationships with an HIV negative partner, preventing sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Sexual education, Positive prevention, Laws and regulations

HIV and Hepatitis

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in what your liver does, Hepatitis A, B and C, treatment for hepatitis C, liver transplants and approach to treatment and care.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Care and support, Co-infections, Treatment

Having a Baby

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV and having a baby for both men and women. For women this includes information on anti-HIV drugs, caesarean and breastfeeding. For men this includes information on sperm washing.
Global Women, Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) HIV and labor, Care and support, Treatment

CD4, Viral Load and Other Tests

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who wants to know about the importance of regular health monitoring, types of test, your first visit to your HIV clinic, regular clinic appointments, GPs and sexual health screening. It also looks at blood tests, CD4 tests, viral load tests and other tests, including ones that look at your bones, kidneys, liver and diabetes.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment

CD4 and Viral Load: The Basics

by NAM Publications
This is a basic fact sheet with illustrations on HIV, CD4 count and viral load, including how they are measured and the levels of viral load and CD4 in your body.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Care and support

Adherence and Resistance

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who wants to know about taking HIV treatment properly. It provides basic information about medication, being involved in decisions about treatment, things to help you take treatment properly, and why this is so important, and resistance.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Anti HIV Drugs

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who wants to know about treatments for HIV. It provides basic information about the drugs that fight HIV - known as antiretroviral drugs - and deals briefly with dosing, side-effects, drug interactions and drug resistance. Also available in Spanish, Swedish, Russian and Turkish.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment

Working for a world without AIDS

by International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
This publication contains an update on the latest progress in research, the work and mission of IAVI, the commitments made by the European Union in support of AIDS vaccine R&D and the crucial role Europe can play in supporting the search for an AIDS vaccine.
Global NGOs, Policy makers, Health care professionals Research, Treatment

Guidelines for testing HIV, viral hepatitis and other infections in injecting drug users

by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
A manual for provider-initiated medical examination, testing and counselling. There is a recognized need for guidance on providing IDUs with a medical examination and testing for HIV and several other infections on a regular basis. In addition, improving testing uptake in this group would benefit epidemiological surveillance and monitoring as carried out at the national and international level.…
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD) Testing and counselling, Treatment, Policy

From the Mountaintops - The Evolution of Drug Policy Change in Switzerland and its Lessons for the World

by Joanne Csete, Open Society Foundations
Switzerland was hit hard by HIV, which was linked to growing drug injection. Health professionals who found that the harms of drug injection could be controlled more effectively by public health programs than by policing were at the vanguard of shifting the parameters of Swiss drug policy. The Swiss drug policy based on “four pillars” faced some challenges that are faced the world over, and the…
Global, Western Europe General public, Health care professionals, Policy makers Research, Policy

Aging with HIV/AIDS in the Netherlands

by Annemarie de Knecht-van Eekelen with Cees Smit and Peter Reiss
The content of the book Aging with hiv is based on data concerning the Dutch situation. Yet the problems that are reviewed do not only apply to the Netherlands. The situation in other Western countries with similar healthcare systems will be comparable or become so in the future. For this reason the AidsFonds decided to publish an English compilation of the book, containing a selection of the…
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Research, Care and support, Social issues

The "Butterfly" PSA - Социальный видео ролик "Бабочка"

by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation - Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД»
Discrimination and rights violation, rejection and fear – this is usually what those who are seeking for our understanding and support get. The primary aim of the campaign created by ANTIAIDS Foundation is to change the emotional background in attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS. The campaign is developed in cooperation with All-Ukrainian Network of people living with HIV.
Global General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Youth Care and support, Human rights, Media

HIV, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone concerned with mental health, professional support, treatment for mental health problems, looking after your emotional health and supporting someone with emotional or mental health problems. Mental Health issues covered in this booklet include emotional distress, anxiety, depression, mania, addiction and post traumatic stress disorder.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Social issues, Care and support, Treatment

HIV and Children

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in HIV and children, including HIV testing in babies, HIV care for children, treatment for children, living with HIV, talking to your child about HIV, monitoring the health of your child, symptoms, illnesses and vaccinations
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Sexual and reproductive health, Care and support

Clinical Trials

by NAM Publications
This booklet is a starting point for anyone who is interested in clinical trials, what sort of trials are carried out in HIV infection, the different methods of comparing treatment, preparation for a trial, how to join a trial, reasons for and against joining a trial and your rights and responsibilities.
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Crónicas de um Vírus - Aparecimento e Evolução do VIH/SIDA 1930 - 2010

by Abraço, Associação de Apoio a Doentes com VIH/SIDA
When, in June 1981, the first signs of a new disease began to emerge, nobody predicted that by 2010 we would still be discussing the magnitude and consequences of this devastating pandemic on the world population. Chronicles of a Virus: Emergence and Evolution of HIV/AIDS, 1930 - 2010, published by Abraço, and supported by Gilead Sciences, is an object of knowledge and solidarity. It is a plot…
Global Health care professionals, General public Social issues, Research

Prevention Resources for People Living with HIV

by PEPFAR Prevention with People Living with HIV Task Force
The purpose of this website is to help program and policy planners design, develop and deliver effective clinic or community-based HIV prevention programs to ensure that all HIV-positive persons have access to evidence-based, comprehensive HIV prevention services in order to protect their own health and the health of their partner(s) and families.
Global Health care professionals, Policy makers, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Prevention, Positive prevention

HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe 2009

by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO Regional Office for Europe
HIV infection remains of major public health importance in Europe, with evidence of continuing transmission of HIV in Europe. The number of diagnosed AIDS cases has continued to decline in the WHO European Region, except in the East, where the number of AIDS cases has increased. Among the 48 countries consistently reporting AIDS data for 2004–09, the rate of reported AIDS diagnoses declined from…
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Epidemiology

HIV testing: Increasing uptake and effectiveness in the European Union

by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Evidence Synthesis on HIV testing. HIV testing efforts in European countries are failing to identify HIV infections early, with high proportions of undiagnosed and late-diagnosed infections. This review presents a synthesis of available literature on the benefits of testing for HIV, barriers to testing and effective strategies to overcome these barriers and increase HIV testing and diagnoses,…
Central Europe, Western Europe Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Testing and counselling, Treatment

Oekraïne negeert vele HIV-infecties

by Jeroen Akkermans voor RTL nieuws
Ukraine has the highest percentage of HIV infections in Europe. The Ukrainian government doesn't want to give publicity to this fearing the negative reputation that HIV could bring to the country. This documentary made by the Dutch television gives an impression of the situation in Odessa.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Sex workers Policy, Epidemiology, Care and support

HIV & the criminal law

by Edward J. Bernard
HIV and the Criminal Law examines the key legal, scientific, ethical and social issues raised by the application of criminal law to HIV exposure and transmission. HIV and the Criminal Law is your guide to the fundamental issues involved and explains how the justice system interacts with HIV in a clear, evidence based and insightful manner.
Global NGOs, Policy makers, Health care professionals Laws and regulations, Social issues, Human rights

Health and Human Rights - A Resource Guide

by Open Society Institute (OSI) and Soros Foundations Network (SFN)
The Guide covers the basic concepts and resources in health and human rights and contains seven chapters, each on a different health issue of priority concern to OSI and SFN. These chapters include HIV/AIDS & human rights; harm reduction & human rights; and sexual health & human rights.
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Human rights, Harm reduction, Sexual education

Abraço Magazine - World AIDS Day 2010

by Abraço CIICO - Communication, Information and Internacional Cooperation Facility
This is Abraço's most recent Magazine on HIV/AIDS related issues mostly. Over the past year 2010, this very publication was not out in the shelves, as funds were discontinued. We are pleased to present you with a brand new concept of disseminating reliable and up-to-date information on the HIV/AIDS epidemics and related services, as well as different views on the subject.
Global People who use drugs (PUD), People living with HIV (PLHIV) Co-infections, Positive prevention, Epidemiology

MAIDS - duševno zdravje in aids

by MAIDS project partners
Poster of the MAIDS project, which is implemented between September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2012. The project comprises research, education, advocacy activities, as well as the establishment of expert centres on mental health and HIV/AIDS to ensure its sustainability afterwards. Ideally, the project will lead to inclusion of mental health issues in national and European HIV strategies and policies.
Eastern Europe, Central Europe Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support

С чего начинать

by Позитивное развитие, Алтайская краевая общественная организация
The booklet is designed for HIV-positive people who in the next few months will probably be assigned ART. It provides information on how to prepare for HAART and what potential problems may arise when you start receiving treatment.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Приверженность лечению

by Позитивное развитие, Алтайская краевая общественная организация
Designed for HIV-positive people with treatment "fatigue". This booklet provides information on how to cope with the "fatigue" syndrome from receiving routine therapy, and contains recommendations to encourage adherence to HAART.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Ведение ВИЧ-положительной беременности

by Позитивное развитие, Алтайская краевая общественная организация
The booklet is intended for obstetricians and gynecologists. It provides information on the social, psychological and medical aspects of a positive pregnancy.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals Care and support

Риск передачи ВИЧ медицинским работникам и его профилактика

by Позитивное развитие, Алтайская краевая общественная организация
The booklet is designed for health workers to prevent transmission of HIV at work. The booklet contains information on factors that reduce the risk of HIV transmission, a framework of actions for emergency situations when dealing with blood and other body fluids, as well as legal aspects related to HIV infection.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals Prevention

Снижение влияния побочных эффектов от приема противовирусных препаратов

by Позитивное развитие, Алтайская краевая общественная организация
This booklet is designed for people on HAART who have side effects that do not require cancellation of treatment. The booklet describes the most common side effects and provides advice on managing some of them.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

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