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Interest Groups

Vaccine Literacy (VaxLit) Toolkit

by International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
This toolkit is a compilation of innovative training and education materials. The toolkit contains materials that are tailored to provide key information on AIDS vaccine development and clinical trials in basic terminology. Originally developed for stakeholders in the South who are engaged in AIDS vaccine research, the toolkit also provides valuable information to assist AIDS vaccine advocates…
Global NGOs, Health care professionals Research, Advocacy

Men Who Have Sex with Men: An Introductory Guide for Health Workers in Africa

by Developed by the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation with support from IAVI
The men who have sex with men (MSM) manual provides HIV counselors and health care providers with the insight and skills necessary to provide quality counseling services that adequately meet the unique needs of MSM populations in Africa. The manual provides background information about MSM practices in Africa, case studies and training exercises designed to improve MSM risk behavior counseling…
Global Health care professionals Testing and counselling

Implementing the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia: 2010 Progress Report: Summary

by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
In 2004, high level representatives of European and Сentral Asian countries issued the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Сentral Asia. This report provides a brief summary of findings from a review of progress made towards its implementation. It is based on data from 49 countries and reflects the contributions of a wide range of individuals and organisations.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Monitoring and Evaluation, Universal access, Prevention

Implementing the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia: 2010 Progress Report

by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
In 2004, high level representatives of European and Сentral Asian countries issued the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Сentral Asia. This report provides findings from a review of progress made towards its implementation. It is based on data from 49 countries and reflects the contributions of a wide range of individuals and organisations.
WHO European region Policy makers, NGOs, Health care professionals Universal access, Monitoring and Evaluation, Prevention

Everywhere: A European Seal of Approval in HIV Prevention for ‘Gay’ and MSM businesses (Executive Summary)

by Sherriff, N.S., McDonnell, E., Sutton, F., Tunstall, B., Alexandre, A., Friboulet, D., Martín-Pérez, A., and Hernández-Fernández, T. on behalf of the Everywhere Consortium
Executive Summary: This Guide is informed by the findings of the Everywhere Project co-funded by the European Commission (see It outlines a series of HIV and STI prevention standards for ‘gay’ businesses including sex venues, ‘gay’ and gay-friendly social places (e.g. clubs, bars, discos etc), travel agencies, hotels, and ‘gay’ dating websites.
WHO European region NGOs, Policy makers, Health care professionals Harm reduction, Prevention

Everywhere Leaflet for Customers (UK version)

by Ben Tunstall
Leaflet designed for customers to highlight Everywhere
WHO European region Harm reduction, Prevention

Everywhere Poster

by Nigel Sherriff on behalf of the Everywhere Consortium
An Overview of the Everywhere Project presented at numerous conferences in Europe and internationally
WHO European region NGOs Prevention

SUNFLOWER prevention campaign material

by ANLAIDS Sez. Lombarda on behalf of SUNFLOWER consortimu
SUNFLOWER prevention campaign material: flyers, posters, t-shirts, caps, mobile phone laces and bracelets
Global, Eastern Europe, Central Europe NGOs, General public, Youth Prevention


by Center for life & Positive Voice
Day meeting with NGOs focussed on seropositive individuals. Context: * start and stop therapy or beginning and interruption of treatment; * basic vital organs and how they are influenced or key organs affected and how: heart and liver; * social benefits / allowances or social benefits / financial assistance.
Central Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Social issues, Treatment, Care and support

HIV and I

by Center for Life and Positive Voice
Flyer of a day meeting with NGOs focussed on seropositive individuals. Context: HIV; lipodystrophy; physical, psychological and sexual health.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Care and support

H-CUBE Analysis of the local contexts

by H-CUBE project partners
Study of the fundamental texts in H-CUBE participating countries concerning HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS issues in order to identify the general framework of the topics taken into consideration.
Central Europe, Western Europe Health care professionals, Youth, General public Epidemiology, Treatment, Co-infections

H-CUBE Newsletter - September 2010

by Associazione ISES
Project newsletter with some updates about the dissemination of the project.
Western Europe, Central Europe Youth, Health care professionals, General public Sexual education

Rapid Test

A promotion film for the Rapid Test Free Counselling Call Center 800 11 11 600
Global, Western Europe General public Testing and counselling, Prevention

Take an HIV test! Take care of your health - poster

by HIV-SAM Project, Institute of Tropical Medicine
As visual support to our interventions to promote HIV-testing among African migrants we developed this poster. It publicizes a target group tailored centre where free, confidential and rapid HIV-testes are offered, as well as other sexual health services. The poster is disseminated in cafés, shops, services, organizations and meeting rooms frequented by African migrants. It can be downloaded…
Western Europe Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention, Testing and counselling

Broken Promises Kill - Fully Fund the Global Fund

by Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
HCLU's new film on the Global Fund crisis. Activists from all over the world talk about the funding crisis of the Global Fund: how prevention and treatment services in countries that will not be eligible are at danger and how donor countries are trying to cut back funding. For further information on the Global Fund Third Voluntary Replenishment go to
Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Global Policy makers, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Advocacy, Universal access, Resource mobilisation

Hepatitis C transmission and injecting drug use: harm reduction responses

by Correlation Network
This report outlines interventions for tackling hepatitis C in IDU populations in Europe and the surrounding area. These approaches are detailed in the context of the major common challenges faced across the region in addressing hepatitis C in IDU populations. This publication includes examples of interventions focused on awareness, prevention, treatment and care. They illustrate a range of…
WHO European region People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction, Policy, Care and support

Treatment 2.0 Is this the future of Treatment?

The UNAIDS strategy to facilitate an overhaul of the way the world provides antiretoviral therapy – to make it simpler and more efficient. The five pillars of Treatment 2.0 include Treatment as Prevention; Stop cost being an obstacle; Improve uptake of HIV testing and linkage to care; Strengthen community mobilization; and Creating a better pill and diagnostics.
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Measuring up - HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance and ICASO
The guide is a resource for leaders, advocacy and monitoring and evaluation staff of civil society organisations (including networks) who are involved in designing, implementing and assessing advocacy projects at different levels – international, national and sub-national. The overall purpose of the guide is to increase users’ capacity to evaluate the progress and results of their advocacy work.
Global NGOs Advocacy, Monitoring and Evaluation

HIV and drug use: Community responses to injecting drug use and HIV

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This guide is one in a series of good practice guides produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. This guide aims to support the scale up of community-based HIV and harm reduction programmes in developing and transitional countries.
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction

Greater involvement of people living with HIV (GIPA)

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance and GNP+
This guide is one in a series of good practice guides produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. The GIPA (Greater involvement of people living with HIV) Good Practice Guide contains information, strategies and resources to support programme officers in enabling meaningful involvement of people living with HIV in new and existing HIV programmes.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs, Policy makers Capacity building, HIV and labor

To act gave me influence Leadership and control

by Walter Heidkampf - HIV Sweden
Presentation given at AIDS Action Europe workshop "Using the law to secure our rights" during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. This case from Sweden is about a man who was refused participation in a course on personal development because of his HIV status.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Human rights, Laws and regulations, Social issues

Right to Health in Prisons of Ukraine (Case of Igor)

by Iryna Varshyk - All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH
Presentation given at AIDS Action Europe workshop "Using the law to secure our rights" during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. This case from Ukraine is about a prisoner who was denied medical care because of his HIV status.
Eastern Europe People who are/were in prisons, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Human rights, Laws and regulations, Care and support

Exclusion from surgical technician education due to HIV status

by Caroline Suter - Swiss AIDS Federations
Presentation given at AIDS Action Europe workshop "Using the law to secure our rights" during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. This case from Switzerland is about a 24-year old man who applied at a school for a surgical technician education but who was rejected because of his HIV status.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Laws and regulations, HIV and labor, Human rights

Hungarian legislation on criminalization of HIV transmission/exposure

by Ferenc Bagyinszky - Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
Presentation given at AIDS Action Europe workshop "Using the law to secure our rights" during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. This case from Hungary is about a male living with HIV who was charged with transmission.
Central Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Laws and regulations, Human rights

Challenging discrimination in healthcare – a legal case from Northern Ireland

by Yusef Azad - NAT
Presentation given at AIDS Action Europe workshop "Using the law to secure our rights" during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. This case from Northern Ireland is about a young man who was denied a medical procedure because of his HIV status. The case was put down for a hearing in the county court but the hospital settled in advance of the hearing.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Human rights, Laws and regulations

Dutch Case on wrongfully-sacked barber with HIV

by Ronald A.M. Brands - Dutch HIV Association
Presentation given at AIDS Action Europe workshop "Using the law to secure our rights" during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. This case from the Netherlands is about a barber who was fired because of his HIV status and went to court.
Western Europe Policy makers, People living with HIV (PLHIV) HIV and labor, Laws and regulations, Human rights

Is There Enough Political Commitment and Funding?

by Shona Schonning
This presentation was given at the regional session on Europe and Central Asia during the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. The presentation is about commitment and finance in Europe and Central Asia. Since the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978 there have been a number of other declarations of commitment to fight HIV and AIDS in Europe and its neighbours, including the UNGASS declaration and…
WHO European region Health care professionals, Policy makers Human rights, Universal access, Resource mobilisation

Testing: the gateway to treatment?

by Jeffrey Lazarus
This presentation was given at the regional session on Europe and Central Asia at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. It focusses around the problem of late diagnosis in Europe and Central Asia and the ART coverage among people living with HIV in the region. Around half of the estimated 2.3 million people living with HIV in the WHO European region are undiagnosed. These people cannot…
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Universal access, Testing and counselling

Un-prevented and prevented HIV cases

by Anna Shakarishvili
Presentation by Anna Shakarishvili at the regional session on Europe and Central Asia at AIDS 2010. The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the epidemic in the region and addresses questions such as: are we containing the epidemic in the region; who gets infected and how; how is HIV infection being prevented; and what should be the future directions?
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, People who use drugs (PUD) Human rights, Prevention, Epidemiology

Depression, Neurocognitive Disorders and HIV

by Center for Life
Information on Depression and Neurocognitive Disorders
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support

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