

In this section you can log in on the Clearinghouse and submit your HIV/AIDS good practice materials. You can also edit or delete your previous uploads.


Interest Groups

You must use a condom always!/ Usa sempre il preservativo!

by I.D.E.A. Donna Onlus
Audio-visual material for the prevention of AIDS and STI aimed at foreign women - Nigerian and Eastern Europe - prostitutes. Designed in two versions, to communicate effectively with different cultural groups present in Italy. Contains information on the correct use of condoms, HIV testing and access to health services. (Pidgin-)English and Italian spoken. Subtitled in other migrant languages.…
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, Sex workers, Women HIV and labor, Testing and counselling, Universal access

Positive Gay Guide

by Gay Men’s Health Charity (GMFA)
This website has been designed to be a comprehensive information resource for HIV positive gay men. Contains information (leaflets, posters) on testing, stigma, disclosure, health issues, psychological challenges etc.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Positive prevention, Care and support, Co-infections

Be HIV free: the story of Bobo

by; Utrecht School of Arts
These animations are for children. It tells the story of Bobo. He has AIDS because his parents did not have safe sex. Video 1 explains in a basic way how HIV and AIDS make you ill. Video 2 explains how ARV/ medication works. Also available in Chinese, Papiamento and Bahasa Indonesia (subtitled). Watch via URL.
Global Youth, Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention, Sexual education, Treatment

AIDS-Test (HIV-Antibodytest) anonymous and for free (2)

by AIDS-Hilfen Österreichs (Austria)
Pictograms and key words indicate which actions don't carry a risk of infection with HIV and which actions do. Refers to a free 'AIDS-Test' and to the regional AIDS-Help centres in Austria. (for other languages, see previous upload)
WHO European region General public, Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants Testing and counselling, Care and support, Prevention

AIDS-Test (HIV-Antibodytest) anonymous and for free

by AIDS-Hilfen Österreichs (Austria)
Pictograms and key words indicate which actions don't carry a risk of infection with HIV and which actions do. Refers to a free 'AIDS-Test' and to the regional AIDS-Help centres in Austria. Also available in: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian, Slovenian and Slovak (see also other upload).
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities, General public Prevention, Care and support, Testing and counselling

AIDS exists... ... the way to avoid it, too.

by Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (MSC), España (Spain)
Leaflet describing how HIV is and is not transmitted, giving information about avoiding infection and about testing, and listing addresses in Spain. Also available in: Chinese, Basque, Catalan and Galician.
Western Europe Ethnic minorities, (Undocumented) Migrants, General public Care and support, Prevention, Testing and counselling

10 facts about HIV/AIDS

The booklet is designed for high-risk groups, and for the general population, providing basic information about the nature of HIV, its modes of transmission and ways to prevent disease. Also, the booklet provides information on existing opportunities extending the active phase of life of HIV-positive person. In addition the booklet draws attention to the need for testing on HIV and sexually…
Eastern Europe General public Prevention

HIV prevention

Poster focuses on the individual responsibility of health and the health of people we love, calls to determine own risks of HIV infection and to prevent risky sexual behavior. Attention is drawn to the rapidly growing number of cases of sexual transmission of HIV and encourages the use of basic protection.
Eastern Europe General public Prevention

HIV Testing

The poster "HIV Testing" encourages to get tested for HIV. Early identification of HIV status allows you to proceed to maintenance treatment. Poster shows a strong, confident position of people who have been tested. This poster is an additional step towards the implementation of HIV prevention among the general population.
Eastern Europe General public Testing and counselling

Practical manual for trainers working on the "peer" principle

Detailed information about HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis; epidemiological situation in the country and the region; modes of transmission; means of prevention of diseases; need for responsible behavior and to determine own risk; and tolerance towards HIV-positive colleagues are presented in this brochure. The most popular themes are presented in the form of training sessions to work with the adult…
Eastern Europe General public, NGOs Prevention

Implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in enterprises and organizations

by A.Kunchevska, V.Los', D.Lyakh
Handbook is intended for coaches and state inspectors, union activists, representatives of public and state organizations, as well as for everyone who wants to carry out preventive work and implement activities designed to support people living with HIV/AIDS in enterprises, protection of labor rights, reduction of discrimination of PLWH in the workplace, as well as prevention of other negative…
Eastern Europe General public, NGOs, Policy makers HIV and labor, Capacity building, Prevention

Protecting health care workers: HIV/AIDS prevention in the workplace

by O.Kostuk, I.Yeleneva, V.Sharko, G.Barzashvili
This manual was created to reduce the risk of infection during the performance of professional duties of health professionals. The manual describes the general rules of prevention for medical care, stipulated the importance of work safety and use of technical and personal safety tools.
Eastern Europe Health care professionals, General public Prevention

For managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations: HIV/AIDS prevention in the workplace

by V.Sharko, I.Yeleneva, D.Lyakh
This manual is written specifically for managers of various enterprises and organizations, labor inspectors, union leaders and a wide range of personalities in the workplace. It contains information on prevention of HIV/AIDS in the workplace, recommendations and an algorithm for implementing the policies and programs on HIV/AIDS in organizations.
Eastern Europe General public, NGOs, Policy makers Capacity building, HIV and labor, Prevention

Taking an HIV-test is taking care of your health

by HIV-SAM Project, Institute of Tropical Medicine
Following a qualitative study assessing the barriers towards HIV-testing among Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Belgium this brochure was developed. This brochure aims to answer the barriers encountered and questions posed by African migrants when considering an HIV-test. It is developed to assist and guide community outreachers in one-on-one sensitization but it can also be used for general…
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Ethnic minorities Testing and counselling, Prevention

Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges

Part I of this monograph looks back at the emergence of harm reduction approaches and their diffusion, and explores the concept from different perspectives, including international organisations, academic researchers and drug users. Part II is dedicated to current evidence and impacts of harm reduction and illustrates how the concept has broadened to cover a wide range of behaviours and harms.…
WHO European region Health care professionals, General public, Policy makers Harm reduction

Guia de Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis

by Positivo/RedLight
This guide describes the most common sexually transmitted infections in a clear and simple language, with some images for easy identification. This guide was originally designed for sex workers, but can also be used for general populations, particularly young people, migrants, and others. The main goal of this guide is to raise people's awareness to the signs and symptoms of these infections,…
Global Sex workers, General public, Women Prevention, Sexual education, Treatment

Book 'Is Your Project 100% Gender Proof?'

by M. de Neef & P. van Haastrecht
In the little book ‘Is your Project 100% Gender Proof? - Checklist for practioners involved in the development and implementation of sexual health projects' various methods and techniques are presented that discuss gender within sexual health projects. Sometimes, projects may fail to be effective since certain gender aspects are being ignored. How do we get an eye for gender in for instance HIV-…
Western Europe, Global, Central Europe NGOs, Health care professionals Sexual education, Sexual and reproductive health, Gender

Boek 'Is jouw project 100% genderproof?’

by M. de Neef & P. van Haastrecht
In the little book ‘Is your Project 100% Gender Proof? - Checklist for practioners involved in the development and implementation of sexual health projects' various methods and techniques are presented that discuss gender within sexual health projects. Sometimes, projects may fail to be effective since certain gender aspects are being ignored. How do we get an eye for gender in for instance HIV-…
Western Europe, Global, Central Europe NGOs, Health care professionals Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual education, Gender

“You Must Know About Me”

“You Must Know About Me” is a first-hand account of sex workers’ experiences and aspirations off and on the streets in Macedonia.
Eastern Europe, Global Policy makers, General public, Sex workers Human rights, Advocacy, Laws and regulations

Newsletter 1 Eurosupport 6: Developing a training and resource package to improve sexual and reproductive health of people with hiv

by Sensoa - Institute Tropical Medicine
Six newsletters written during different stages of the project, will disseminate information of the project. Interesting articles related to positive prevention are included in these newsletters.
WHO European region Policy makers, Health care professionals Positive prevention

Newsletter 2 Eurosupport 6: Developing a training and resource package to improve sexual and reproductive health of people with hiv

by Sensoa - Institute Tropical Medicine
Six newsletters written during different stages of the project to disseminate information about the project. Interesting articles related to positive prevention are included in these newsletters.
WHO European region Policy makers, Health care professionals Positive prevention

Для позитивных беременных – брошюра

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This booklet for pregnant HIV-positives of African origin points out the importance of being well cared for from the beginning of the pregnancy. It informs about measures for the health of mother and child, about HIV treatment and the different medical examinations during pregnancy, and about what has to be done to protect the child against HIV
Global Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Positive prevention, Sexual and reproductive health

Getrennte Wege Ein Lesebuch für Zugehörige von Menschen mit HIV/AIDS

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
A book for family members of people living with HIV
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support

Leitfaden: Ehrenamt in Aidshilfe – Schulungsmaterial

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This brochure is the result of a more than two year association process of quality management. In the form of a guideline on 68 pages, it provides practical information about the most important attributes of volunteering, its history and its role in Aids help. Following this, a 12 step programme which provides concrete help for quality management of volunteers is introduced; herein it orients…
Western Europe NGOs Care and support

INFO+ virus hepatitis – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The brochure provides information about liver inflammations which are caused by viruses: What types of virus related liver disorders are there? How often do they occur in Germany or worldwide? What are the transmission routes? How can one protect oneself? Is there a vaccination? How can one protect newborns of mothers with chronic Hepatitis B or C against infection?
Western Europe General public Prevention, Epidemiology, Treatment

INFO+ sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The brochure is directed at workers in consulting offices and doctors’ practices as well as interested laypersons and provides detailed information about the most important sexually transmitted disorders (STDs). The focus is on the precise description of the transmission routes and protective options, describing the link between STDs and (easier) HIV transmission as well as special…
Western Europe General public, Health care professionals Prevention, Care and support

Positiv schwanger – Arbeitshilfe

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Pregnancy, birth and motherhood in HIV positive women require sensible, expert and competent advice and care. Herein, communication between the doctor or consultant and the patient is often difficult due to the complex situation, and can be affected by misunderstandings. With the working aid in four languages, the German AIDS help group supports advice to HIV positive pregnant women in consulting…
Global Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV) HIV and labor

therapie? traitement? therapy? – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The brochure in A6 format provides short and easily understood basic information about the treatment of HIV infection and offers persons who are about to enter therapy or wish to inform themselves about the treatment an initial orientation.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

MED-INFO Feigwarzen – Broschüre/ MED-INFO HIV und Hirn – Broschüre/ MED-INFO Vorsorge – Broschüre/ MED-INFO HIV-Therapie – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The brochures of the MED-INFO series are directed at persons with HIV and AIDS, interested relatives as well as full-time and volunteer advisors. The aim of MED-INFO is to describe complicated medical situations in generally understandable language, so that interested persons who have no previous medical knowledge can also inform themselves. Each booklet addresses one set of symptoms / one…
Western Europe Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Positive prevention, Treatment

Party Drugs HIV – brochure

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This brochure provides information about the effects, side effects and long term consequences of the common drugs (including benzodiazepines, opiates and potency pills), points out possible interactions with antiretroviral medications and other substances, and provides tips about how to keep risks to oneself and others as low as possible.
Western Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Harm reduction, Positive prevention

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