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Interest Groups

Broschüre substitution in haft

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Brochure on substitution therapy opportunities in prisons
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Harm reduction, Treatment

Positiv in Haft – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This extensive brochure provides answers to frequently asked questions such as: How is medical care in prison regulated? What medications are there against HIV? What must be taken into account in treatment with these medications? Is substitution treatment continued in imprisonment? Is the mail checked? Are there special regulations for HIV positive prisoners, and does the HIV infection have to be…
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support

Betreuung im Strafvollzug. Ein Handbuch

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The handbook provides a current overview of the situation in this work field: about legal conditions and the structures of the penal system, about life in imprisonment and the special conditions of prisoners without a German passport. It then shows the tasks which full-time workers and volunteers from external organisations can perform and provides suggestions for the prevention of HIV and…
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Care and support

VIH et SIDA - Broschura

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This booklet for migrants in seven languages provides basic information about HIV/AIDS, how to protect oneself and others from infection, about the HIV test and medical treatment. It also informs about the health system in Germany as well as the AIDS service organizations and other supporting agencies.
Global (Undocumented) Migrants Testing and counselling, Treatment, Prevention

HIV and Aids – Booklet/ ВИЧ и СПИД - Брошюра

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This booklet for migrants in seven languages provides basic information about HIV/Aids, how to protect oneself and others from infection, about the HIV test and medical treatment. It also informs about the health system in Germany as well as the AIDS service organizations and other supporting agencies.
Global (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention, Treatment, Testing and counselling

HIV und Aids – Broschüre/ HIV and Aids – Booklet

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This booklet for migrants in seven languages provides basic information about HIV/AIDS, how to protect oneself and others from infection, about the HIV test and medical treatment. It also informs about the health system in Germany as well as the AIDS service organizations and other supporting agencies.
Global (Undocumented) Migrants Prevention

Gravida e seropositiva/ Positiv schwanger - Broschure

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Positively pregnant – Booklet This booklet for pregnant HIV-positives of African origin points out the importance of being well cared for from the beginning of the pregnancy. It informs about measures for the health of mother and child, about HIV treatment and the different medical examinations during pregnancy, and about what has to be done to protect the child against HIV.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), (Undocumented) Migrants, Women Positive prevention, Sexual and reproductive health

Positiv schwanger/Positively pregnant – Booklet

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This booklet for pregnant HIV-positives of African origin points out the importance of being well cared for from the beginning of the pregnancy. It informs about measures for the health of mother and child, about HIV treatment and the different medical examinations during pregnancy, and about what has to be done to protect the child against HIV.
Global Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Positive prevention, Sexual and reproductive health

Wir reden drüber/We talk about it/Nous en parlons – Plakatbroschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The poster brochure which was developed jointly with male and female migrants from the positive self-help group is intended to break the silence about HIV/Aids in the Communities. The people shown on the front have a model function in which they communicate that they are talking about it: in partnerships and families, among friends, at the workplace or in school.
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants Migration, Social issues

Was wissen Sie über HIV und Aids? – Plakat und Postkarte

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Instead of sending a prevention message, the poster addresses its female audience with a question in German and English which is intended to encourage thinking and generate a consciousness of the problems associated with HIV/AIDS. It simultaneously signals solidarity with migrants and encourages them to obtain advice and support when needed.
Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants Social issues, Migration

Testplakat Positiv Negativ

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The treatability of HIV infection has changed the position of the HIV test in the prevention work of AIDS help groups. Today knowledge about the HIV infection is very important. Those who „know“ have more options to do something for their health.
Global Epidemiology, Prevention

Postkarten MSM

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Postcards are best suited to setting memory impulses, but also to provide large-scale spread of new themes and contents. Through this medium, it is possible to reach gays in the various scenes as well as men who are not part of any scene or cannot be localised by their behaviour and external appearance (e.g. MSM without a gay identity, gay migrants).
Western Europe Prevention

Es geht um deinen Arsch - Postkarten

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Postcards are best suited to setting memory impulses, but also to provide large-scale spread of new themes and contents. Through this medium, it is possible to reach gays in the various scenes as well as men who are not part of any scene or cannot be localised by their behaviour and external appearance (e.g. MSM without a gay identity, gay migrants).
Global Prevention

Die Syphilis ist wieder da! Infos für schwule Männer – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The three part brochure initially provides brief information about the most important aspects of spread, progression, treatment and preventive options, then goes into detail and finishes with additional information. Particular attention is given to specific information for HIV positive men.
Western Europe Treatment, Prevention

Sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten: Infos für Männer, die Sex mit Männern haben – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
In an easily overviewed short form, this brochure provides information about the most frequent sexually transmissible diseases (transmission routes, prevention, symptoms, treatment options) as well as the connection between STDs and HIV transmission, and provides tips on how to protect oneself and one’s partners.
Western Europe Prevention

Schütz dich vor HIV und HEP – Postkarten

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Sticky postcards for drug users
Global People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction, Prevention

Schütz dich auch beim Sex – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This brochure contains information for drug users on STIs, ways of prevention, early diagnostics and adequate treatment.
Western Europe People who use drugs (PUD) Prevention


by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Brochure about a Prison Conference
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons, General public Care and support

Keine Panik! Du kannst dich schützen – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The brochure therefore addresses situations which are typical in imprisonment, as well as typical questions of prisoners, in order to reduce unfounded fears.
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons Prevention, Harm reduction, Care and support

Tatoo und Piercing Postkarte

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Sticky postcards about tatooing and piercing and the danger of using non-sterile instruments
Global General public, People who are/were in prisons Prevention

Substitution in Haft – Ein Handbuch

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The volume addresses all persons who bear responsibility for the health of the prisoners. It addresses the opportunities and limits of substitution in imprisonment, addresses the reasons which prevent or obstruct offerings which meet needs, and sets out the conditions for successful treatment in this setting. The goal is to encourage professional discussion and encourage (intensified) engagement…
Western Europe Health care professionals, People who are/were in prisons Harm reduction, Care and support

Zeig Respekt: Mit HIV-Positiven leben und arbeiten ist nicht ansteckend – Plakat

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The poster provides a reminder that living and working together with persons who have HIV is not a danger, and asks for respectful behaviour towards them.
Global People who are/were in prisons Universal access

Health tips for women in imprisonment 2008 – brochure; Health tips for men in imprisonment 2008 – brochure

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
Aside from some general health tips, these brochures especially offer information about the themes of sexually transmissible diseases and sexual health in imprisonment.
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons, Women Harm reduction, Prevention

HIV & Hep: Ein Test schafft Klarheit; Verantwortung zeigen: Gebrauchtes Spritzbesteck sicher entsorgen – Postkartenaufkleber

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The motif „HIV and HEP? A test brings clarity“ informs about the significance of the tests, recommends regular medical examinations and vaccination, and refers to the offers of support by the Aids and drug help groups. The motif „Showing responsibility: safe disposal of used syringe equipment“
Western Europe People who use drugs (PUD) Testing and counselling, Harm reduction

Schütz dich vor HIV und HEP – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This brochure for drug users offers brief and easily understandable information about Safer Use and Safer Sex, vaccination for Hepatitis A and B, treatment, as well as the subjects of hygiene and „blood consciousness“ in everyday life.
Western Europe People who use drugs (PUD) Testing and counselling, Treatment, Harm reduction

Arbeitsschutz in der Drogen- und Aidshilfe – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This medium is directed at employers, managers and workers in low threshold facilities in drug and AIDS help. The focus is on infection prophylaxis. The brochure is intended to help refresh own knowledge in work safety matters and check the facility for possible deficits in this field. Herein the aim is to clarify that work safety is not merely a duty, but is in the interests of all participants.
Western Europe People who use drugs (PUD) Care and support

Substitution: Überleben sichern – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The brochure offers persons who are receiving substitutes as well as heroin consumers who are interested in this treatment form practical orientation help in legal and medical matters.
WHO European region People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction

Safer Use: Risiken minimieren beim Drogengebrauch – Broschüre

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
This detailed brochure offers persons who consume drugs information about the risks of various consumption forms (ordered by the substances heroin, cocaine, crack, tablets, substitutes), about risk minimisation strategies (Safer Use) as well as First Aid in drug emergencies.
WHO European region People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction

Safer Use: Risiken vermeiden, Gesundheit schützen

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
The flyer offers summarised information about infection prophylaxis and risk minimisation in drug consumption, without including substance descriptions.
WHO European region People who use drugs (PUD) Prevention, Harm reduction

Du bist nicht allein

by Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.
In order to call attention to the special situation of women living in Germany with HIV/AIDS and strengthen self-help in this area, the Network for Women and AIDS was founded in 1992.
Western Europe Women, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Positive prevention, Treatment, HIV and labor

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