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Azerbaijan 2008 Country Progress Report/ Страновой отчет Азербайджана 2008 г.

by Government of Azerbaijan, et al.
Azerbaijan Country report to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS), that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Eastern Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Universal access

Belarus 2008 Country Progress Report/ Страновой отчет Белоруссии 2008 г.

by Country Coordinating Mechanism for the GFATM
Belarus Country report to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS), that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Eastern Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Universal access

Belarus 2008 Shadow Report/ Теневой отчет Белоруссии 2008 г.

by Belarus Community of PLWH/ Белорусское сообщество ЛЖВ
Belarus shadow report prepared by representatives of civil society to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS) that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Eastern Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Universal access

Belgium 2008 Country Progress Report/ Страновой отчет Бельгии 2008 г.

by Government of Belgium, et al.
Belgium Country report to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS), that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Central Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Universal access

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2008 Country Progress Report/ Страновой отчет Боснии и Герцеговины 2008 г.

by The Ministry of Civil Affairs et al.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country report to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS), that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Central Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Universal access

Albania 2008 Country Progress Report/ Страновой отчет Албании 2008 г.

by Government of Albania, et al.
Country report to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS), that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Central Europe General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Universal access

Armenia 2008 Country Progress Report/ Страновой отчет Армении 2008 г.

by Government of Armenia, et al.
Armenia Country report to the High Level Meeting of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS), that was held on 10-22 June 2008 in New York.
Eastern Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), General public Universal access

Behavior Change and HIV Prevention: (Re)Considerations for the 21st Century

by Global HIV Prevention Working Group
Based on a review of hundreds of studies, the new PWG report focuses on behavioral change prevention, and calls for significantly expanded delivery of HIV prevention programming aimed at reducing high-risk behaviors. The report also identifies gaps in knowledge about behavioral change programming.
Global NGOs, General public Prevention

HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care/ Лечение и помощь при ВИЧ/СПИДе

by World Health Organization
Clinical protocols for the WHO European Region. They replace HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care: WHO protocols for CIS countries (2004) and have been specifically developed for the entire WHO European Region.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Care and support, Treatment

HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care/ Лечение и помощь при ВИЧ/СПИДе

by World Health Organization
Clinical protocols for the WHO European Region. They replace HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care: WHO protocols for CIS countries (2004) and have been specifically developed for the entire WHO European Region.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment, Care and support

2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic

The 2008 report on the global AIDS epidemic is a report from the joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). The 2008 report is the most comprehensive ever, based on country inputs with unprecedented scope and detail. It contains valuable information about what works and why, as well as highlighting the key challenges we face in our quest to respond effectively to AIDS - now and in the…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Epidemiology

The Spread of HIV in Europe: Hidden Epidemics and other Barriers to Universal Access to Prevention, Treatment and Care

by Jeffrey Victor Lazarus
This doctoral research investigates several aspects of HIV epidemiology and treatment in the European Region that inform the global commitment to provide universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services.
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs, General public Epidemiology

Synergizing HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: a Manual for NGOs

by AIDSnet – the Danish NGO Network on AIDS and Development, WHO
A manual for NGOs on how to integrate HIV/AIDS related issues with those of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Western Europe NGOs Sexual education, Sexual and reproductive health

Policy Brief: Reduction of HIV Transmission Through Drug Dependence Treatment

by World Health Organization
Evidence for action on HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use.
Global People who use drugs (PUD), People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Prevention, Policy, Harm reduction

Policy Brief: Reduction of HIV Transmission in Prisons

by World Health Organization
Evidence for action on HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who are/were in prisons, NGOs Prevention, Harm reduction, Policy

Policy Brief: Provision of Sterile Injecting Equipment to Reduce HIV Transmission

by World Health Organization
Evidence for action on HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use.
Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD) Policy, Harm reduction, Prevention

Policy Brief: Reduction of HIV Transmission Through Outreach

by World Health Organization
Evidence for action on HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use.
Global NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD) Policy, Harm reduction, Prevention

Policy Brief: Antiretroviral Therapy and Injecting Drug Users

by World Health Organization
This policy brief reviews the evidence to date on providing antiretroviral (ARV) therapy to HIV-positive injecting drug users.
Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD) Policy, Harm reduction

ART failure and strategies for switching ART regimens in the WHO European Region/ Неэффективность А

by World Health Organization
Report of the WHO expert consultation, Copenhagen, 7 December 2007
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals Treatment

The HIV/AIDS Response and Health Systems

by International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC)
On the ground research in six countries examining the impact of scale up of AIDS services on broader health systems.
Global Health care professionals, General public, NGOs Advocacy, Treatment, Policy

Step by Step: Problems and Solutions within IDU Communities/ Шаг за шагом: проблемы сообщества потребителей инъекционных наркотиков и пути их решения

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This guidance was developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance for organizations working with injecting drug users. It outlines a wide spectrum of possible modes of work with drug users from safer injecting recommendations to rehabilitation and resocialisation. The publication may be of use to drug users themselves, their friends and relatives, medical workers, police officers and officials…
Eastern Europe, Central Asia NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction, Prevention

Project Design: Method Guidance/

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This Guide developed by International HIV/AIDS Alliance is dedicated to organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS and aims to provide an algorithm development of projects, applications for funding. It could also be interesting for those interested in analysis of social problems and programs of response.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia NGOs Capacity building

People and HIV/ Люди и ВИЧ

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This is the third edition of the book “People and HIV”. It includes different aspects of HIV pandemic, which touched every place of the globe.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV)

Participatory Assessment and Response: Method Guidance/ Оценка с привлечением к участию: методические рекомендации

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This Guide developed by International HIV/AIDS Alliance is dedicated to nongovernmental organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine and aims to attract groups vulnerable to HIV to participate in situation evaluation and development of response actions. It could also be interesting for those interested in methods of research.
Eastern Europe NGOs Capacity building, Policy

Motivation Interviewing of IDUs: Method Guidance/ Мотивационное интервьюирование лиц, употребляющих инъекционные наркотики: методические рекомендации

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This Guide developed by International HIV/AIDS Alliance is dedicated to organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS. It is for social workers working in HIV prevention programs.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe Health care professionals, NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Prevention

Monitoring and Evaluation: Method Guidance/ Мониторинг и оценка: методические рекомендации

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This Guide developed by International HIV/AIDS Alliance is dedicated to organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS and aims to provide knowledge about methods of monitoring and evaluation. It could also be interesting for those interested in social problems and impact of programs.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Capacity building

Building Partnership: Method Guidance/ Построение партнерства: методические рекомендации

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
This Guide developed by International HIV/AIDS Alliance is dedicated to organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS and aims to provide knowledge about methods of partnership building and best practices on networking. It could also be interesting for those interested in social technologies and analysis of social problems.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe NGOs Capacity building

Recently diagnosed: Series for positive people/ Тем, кто впервые узнал о своем ВИЧ статусе: серия для позитивных людей

by Врачи без границ – Голландия в Украине, МБФ «Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине»
Information for recently diagnosed with HIV people.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Testing and counselling, Positive prevention

Pregnancy: Series for positive people/ Беременность: серия для позитивных людей

by Врачи без границ – Голландия в Украине, МБФ «Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине»
Information for positive people on issues related to pregnancy.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), Women Care and support, Positive prevention, Treatment

Be healthy: Series for positive people/ Быть здоровым: серия для позитивных людей

by Врачи без границ – Голландия в Украине, МБФ «Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине»
Information for positive people on how to stay healthy.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support

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