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Interest Groups

ARV therapy: Series for positive people/ А

by Врачи без границ – Голландия в Украине, МБФ «Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине»
Information for positive people about ARV therapy.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

ARV drugs: Series for positive people/ А

by Врачи без границ – Голландия в Украине, МБФ «Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине»
Information for positive people about ARV drugs.
Central Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment

Adherence to ARV therapy: Series for positive people/ Приверженность к А

by Врачи без границ – Голландия в Украине, МБФ «Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине»
Information for positive people about adherence to ARV therapy.
Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Care and support

Injection Drug Use – HIV and AIDS – Young People Recognizing the Linkages

by World AIDS Campaign, Youth Rise
Fact sheet on the linkages between HIV and AIDS, young people and injection drug use was developed in partnership by the World AIDS Campaign and Youth RISE.
Global People who use drugs (PUD), Youth, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Harm reduction, Prevention

Pre-seminar report “HIV Counseling and Testing Services in Europe: Results of a European Survey”, 2008

by ARAS, AIDS Action Europe
The present report aims to getting a general image on the HIV counselling and testing services in Europe. The report serves as input for a European best practice seminar on voluntary HIV counselling and testing (VCT) that is organised within the project European Partners in Action on AIDS.
WHO European region General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Prevention, Testing and counselling

Empty Promises – Holding the UK Government Accountable for its Commitments on HIV, Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups

by Delphine Valette / UK AIDS and Human Rights Project
The report analyses the impact of UK governmental policies and legislation on the rights of sex workers, prisoners, adult and children asylum seekers and young people in the context of HIV.
Western Europe People who are/were in prisons, Sex workers, NGOs Laws and regulations, Advocacy, Human rights

Volunteers Management

by Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation
This paper is written for volunteers' managers, especially for those working in Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO). The paper has three chapters. The first one is an introduction to organization management. The second and the third chapters describe the program for volunteers at the Alaturi de Voi (Close to You) Foundation, as support for managers in implementing an efficient volunteers program…
Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Capacity building, Social issues

Foster Care for the HIV Positive Child. Methodology, Standards, Procedures

by Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation
This paper is the result of our 7-years-experience on the foster care program and a reference point, not only for professionals and students in human sociology, but also for people who want to take care of HIV positive children. In June 2003, USAID, World Learning and ANPDC (National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights) acknowledged the program of Foster Care for the HIV Positive…
Global NGOs, Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Social issues, Laws and regulations

Psychological Assistance for HIV/AIDS Affected and Infected People

by Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation
This guide reveals the experience of the experts working at the Alaturi de Voi (Close to You) Foundation and is dedicated to all practitioners who work with HIV positive people, especially to psychologists.
Global NGOs, Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Social issues

Social Assistance for HIV/AIDS Affected and Infected People

by Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation
This paper contains the experience of our practitioners who opened a dialogue with experts involved in the HIV/AIDS field. The guide is a complex approach of social problems in the HIV/AIDS field and reveals specific features of direct intervention and prevention programs developed by the Alaturi de Voi (Close to You) Foundation.
Global NGOs, Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, HIV and labor

The Courage to Tell the Truth

by Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation
In Romania, parents are still reluctant or refuse to talk to their child about the HIV infection diagnosis. By reading this paper, parents can find out: Why, when, where and which is the best way to communicate to the child about the HIV diagnosis? How can they and their child prepare for the disclosure moment? What kind of information can a child receive? How can they better communicate with the…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Youth Care and support

Opioid Substitution Treatment in Custodial Settings. A Practical Guide

by Andrej Kastelic, Jörg Pont, Heino Stöver
Prisons are not the right place for treating drug dependent men and women, and countries should develop policies for alternatives to imprisonment. As long as these alternatives have not been developed and implemented, prison authorities are faced with this specific population, in need of treatment, care and support.
Global People who use drugs (PUD), People who are/were in prisons, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Treatment, Prevention

The Power of Prevention Project

by Soa Aids Nederland/ JAZAS
Final report of the very successful Power of Prevention project. A trilateral project between Bulgaria, Serbia and the Netherlands, funded by the ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA). This is the final report. Any information can be obtained from: Marieke Ridder, Programme Manager sex work projects, the Netherlands.
Eastern Europe Sex workers Prevention, Testing and counselling, Care and support

Протокол робочої зустрічі з питань підготовки пропозицій щодо проведення наради з МОЗ та зацікавленими сторонами

by ВБФ „Коаліція ВІЛ-сервісних організацій”
Minutes of the working meeting to prepare proposals for organizing meeting with MOH and stakeholders.
Central Europe Women Advocacy

Legislative and judicial systems in relation to HIV and AIDS

by National AIDS Trust
The seminar on ‘Legislation and Judicial Systems in relation to HIV and AIDS’, held in London from 19 to 21 April 2007, was hosted and organised by the National AIDS Trust for AIDS Action Europe, the Pan European NGO Partnership on HIV and AIDS. A total of 37 individuals participated, from 29 countries, including 19 EU member states, and there were also representatives from WHO, the European…
WHO European region People living with HIV (PLHIV), Health care professionals, NGOs Policy, Human rights, Laws and regulations

HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care: Clinical protocols for the WHO European Region

by WHO Europe
These 13 protocols form the cornerstone of strategic efforts by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to achieve universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support services. They have been specifically developed for the entire European Region, based on current knowledge and the skills, technical capacity and health infrastructure found in the Region.
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Care and support, Policy, Co-infections

HIV/AIDS in Europe: Moving from death sentence to chronic disease management

by WHO Europe
The book looks at HIV/AIDS in Europe from a broad variety of perspectives: biomedical, social, cultural, economic and political. The authors are leading experts from across the Region and include both the infected and the affected, be they doctors, former drug users, United Nations employees, public health researchers or community activists. They describe how, from the first documented cases in…
WHO European region Health care professionals, General public, NGOs Advocacy, Policy, Social issues

WHO/Euro Report of the Technical Consultation on Clinical Staging of HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS Cases Definitions for Surveillance

by WHO Europe
In response to the need to revise the staging and surveillance definitions, WHO organized a European regional meeting in May 2005. The meeting proposed a revised WHO clinical staging system for HIV infection in adults and adolescents, and in infants and children, recommended HIV/AIDS case definitions for surveillance purposes and sought to harmonize HIV clinical staging with HIV/AIDS surveillance…
WHO European region Health care professionals Policy, Epidemiology

Report of the WHO European Region Planning and Technical Consultation on working with civil society to scale up access to HIV prevention, treatment and care

by WHO Europe
The consultation included more than 100 participants from United Nations agencies, CBOs and non-government organizations representing people living with HIV and vulnerable groups affected by HIV/AIDS. The meeting reviewed progress in achieving universal access to antiretroviral therapy in the 52 Member States of the European Region and planned next steps.
WHO European region NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Care and support, Treatment, Prevention

ART failure and strategies for switching ART regimens in the WHO European Region: Report of the WHO expert consultation

by WHO Europe
A WHO/Europe report from an expert consultation in which recommendations were made and consensus reached in defining the goal of antiretroviral therapy and ART failure, strategies for switching to second-line ART, minimum monitoring requirements and the use of drug resistance testing.
WHO European region Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV), NGOs Treatment, Care and support

The Health Journey

by International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Understanding the dimensions of care and treatment for people with HIV: A community-centred methodology. ART involves far more than taking pills and there are many other challenges faced by a person with HIV. Maintaining or re-gaining health is the underlying goal of the search for treatment, care, support and prevention.
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV) Social issues, Care and support

SKA UNGASS Statement

by The Social AIDS Committee
Written Open Statement, presented at the UN Special Session on HIV and AIDS in New York, 2008, by the Polish NGO named: The Social AIDS Committee.
Central Europe NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Social issues

Rapid hiv-testing motivates MSM in The Netherlands to take the test

by Checkpoint - William Koevoets & Stan Van Loon
Rapid HIV testing in a one-hour procedure motivates MSM in the Netherlands to take the hiv test.
Global, Western Europe NGOs, Health care professionals Testing and counselling

The Search Must Continue

by AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC)
On 18 May 2008, the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition released its 2008 report entitled, "The Search Must Continue" in anticipation of HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on 18 May.
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Treatment

Towards Universal Access - Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector 2008

Two years ago at the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS, countries committed to reaching as close as possible to the goal of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010. In this report, as we approach 2010, we assess how far we have come.
Global NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Monitoring and Evaluation

Sneltest methodiek Checkpoint

by Checkpoint
Description of the rapid test method used by Checkpoint Amsterdam
Western Europe Health care professionals, NGOs Testing and counselling

Tevredenheidsonderzoek Checkpoint

by Checkpoint
Checkpoint held an email-based satisfaction survey among their clients who visit Checkpoint for a rapid hiv test
Western Europe Health care professionals, NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation, Testing and counselling

Checkpoint Amsterdam

by Checkpoint
The first rapid test location in Europe. It's success and limits.
Western Europe, Central Europe, Global General public, Health care professionals Testing and counselling, Prevention

HIV VCT - concept and practices

by Arsova Netzelmann, Tz./ SPI Research gGmbH
A comparative assessment among HIV-testing offers in 5 EU countries. Presentation at European Seminar on VCT, Bucharest, 30 May - 1 June 2008
Central Europe, Western Europe NGOs, Health care professionals Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Testing and counselling

HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing. Report on survey findings in 5 EU countries. BORDERNET Project

by Arsova Netzelmann, Tz., Steffan, E. SPI Research gGmbH
A comparative assessment survey on HIV pre- and post-test counselling among HIV-test facilities in 5 EU countries
WHO European region General public, NGOs, Health care professionals Prevention, Testing and counselling, Research

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