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Interest Groups

Poster "Good News for people living with HIV"

by International Treatment Preparedness Coalition
People who are diagnosed with HIV are vulnerable. Being diagnosed with HIV has effects on self-behavior and behavior within the society. People living with HIV could feel isolated and are in need of support, given the fact that prejudice and ignorance exists regarding HIV-infections. Results of the research about AIDS-dissidents in Russia show that lack of knowledge and contradictory information…
Central Asia, Eastern Europe General public, Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Ageing with HIV, Care and support, HIV and labor, Positive prevention, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual education, Stigma and discrimination, Work and HIV

Analytical report based on the results ofthe study"Chemsex and drug use among MSM in Kyiv: new challenges", 2017

by Alliance.Global
The analytical report was prepared in the framework of the study "Chemsex and Drug Use among MSM in Kyiv: New Challenges", which was implemented by the public organization "ALLIANCE. GLOBAL". The purpose of the study was to find out how the use of drugs, psychotropic substances and / or certain medications affects sexual behavior and mental health of MSM and how to minimize the risk of…
Eastern Europe Gay men and other MSM, Men having sex with men (MSM), NGOs Harm reduction, Prevention, Sexual and reproductive health

Body politics: a primer on criminalization of sexuality and reproduction

by Amnesty International
This primer is one component of Amnesty International’s Body Politics: Criminalization of Sexuality and Reproduction series. It aims to motivate and equip the organization’s global movement to challenge unjust criminalization of sexuality and reproduction in local, national, regional and international contexts. It can be used as a stand-alone reference publication or in conjunction with the Body…
Global LGBTI, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Sex workers, Women, Youth Gender, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy, Reproductive health, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual education

Making Media Work for HIV Justice

by Positive Women’s Network - USA, on behalf of HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE
When it comes to the widely misunderstood, complex issue of HIV criminalisation, media can be a powerful tool–or a blunt-force weapon. This resource is the latest addition to the HIV JUSTICE Toolkit, which provides resources from all over the world to assist advocates in approaching a range of advocacy targets, including lawmakers, prosecutors and judges, police, and the media. The purpose of…
Global General public, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Human rights, Media

Guide to funding mechanisms for harm-reduction programmes in European Union Member States

by European Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT)
This guide outlines funding sources and mechanisms for programmes that provide harm reduction and other health services to people who inject drugs (PWID) in the European Union. It covers funding sources ranging from municipalities to international organisations and private donors. The document provides brief country examples to illustrate the variety of funding arrangements, which are often quite…
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD) Advocacy, Care and support, Harm reduction

Reducing health inequalities experienced by LGBTI people: what is your role as a health professional?

by Health4LGBTI
There is substantial evidence demonstrating that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people experience health inequalities. The social determinants of health, namely the discrimination, social exclusion and stigmatisation faced by LGBTI people are well-recognized root causes of such inequalities. There is also evidence to suggest that direct and indirect discrimination against…
WHO European region LGBTI Care and support

Diverse, Resilient, Powerful. Intersectional Activism Toolkit for Sex Workers and Allies’. Infographics

by The International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE)
To mark the 2018 International Women’s Day, ICRSE published the final element of its Intersection Series: ‘Intersectional Activism Toolkit for Sex Workers and Allies’. This toolkit summarises each Intersection Briefing Paper developed over the last three years on sex workers' rights as migrant rights, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, labour rights and right to health issues. It furthermore includes …
WHO European region LGBTI, Migrants, Sex workers, Women Gender, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Sexual and reproductive health, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination, Universal access

Diverse, Resilient, Powerful. Intersectional Activism Toolkit for Sex Workers and Allies

by The International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE)
To mark the 2018 International Women’s Day, ICRSE published the final element of its Intersection Series: ‘Intersectional Activism Toolkit for Sex Workers and Allies’. This toolkit summarises each Intersection Briefing Paper developed over the last three years on sex workers' rights as migrant rights, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, labour rights and right to health issues. It furthermore includes …
WHO European region LGBTI, Migrants, Sex workers, Women Gender, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Sexual and reproductive health, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination, Universal access

Recommendations for the distribution of utensils for drug use

by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
This publication discribes standards for the distribution of drug consumption utensils for different institutions. In addition, recommendations for documentation, work safety and employees qualification are formulated. In connection with the much higher prevalence and the easy transmission of hepatitis C infections, for example, through the reuseage and sharing of consumption items such as water…
Global Health care professionals, Injecting drug users (IDUs), NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD) Care and support, Harm reduction, Prevention

The top 5 issues in medicines policy for 2018

by European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) AISBL
This brochure introduces the top 5 EU medicines policy issues which will dominate the agenda in 2018.
WHO European region Health care professionals, Policy makers Advocacy, Affordability, Care and support, Inequalities in health, Legislation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy, Prevention, Treatment

Key Population Activist Toolkit on PrEP

by International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC), with support from M∙A∙C AIDS FUND (MAF) and American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
This toolkit equips community activists with the knowledge and skills they need to demand pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
Global Gay men and other MSM, General public, Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers Advocacy, Affordability, Laws and regulations, Policy, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Prevention, Research, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination, Testing and counselling, Treatment as prevention (TasP), Universal access

Tackling blood-borne viruses in prison

by National AIDS Trust
This framework developed by the National AIDS Trust is a practical resource supporting action on blood-borne viruses (BBVs) for people involved in the health and wellbeing of people in prison in the UK. It is aimed primarily at healthcare staff based in prisons but may also be relevant to others involved in the management of prisons and the wellbeing of people in prison. 
Regional Health care professionals, NGOs, People who are/were in prisons, Policy makers, Prisoners (ex-) Laws and regulations, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy, Prevention, Tubercolosis, Universal access, Viral hepatitis

HIV Outcomes: Recommendations launched at the European Parliament 2017

by HIV Outcomes Steering Group
The booklet introduces all five recommendations which were are the outcome of a year-long multi-stakeholder process focusing on the long-term health and well-being of people living with HIV. And the infographic provides an overview of these recommendations. Two expert roundtables were held (in December 2016 and June 2017 respectively), which enabled the identification of priority issues. In…
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Advocacy, Care and support, Prevention, Treatment

HIV Outcomes: A New Perspective. 5 Recommendations

by HIV Outcomes Steering Group
The infographic provides an overview of all five recommendations which were are the outcome of a year-long multi-stakeholder process focusing on the long-term health and well-being of people living with HIV.  Two expert roundtables were held (in December 2016 and June 2017 respectively), which enabled the identification of priority issues. In September 2017, an expert workshop was held in…
Global Health care professionals, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Advocacy, Care and support, Prevention, Treatment

Community Health Worker Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices relating to the Sexual Health of MSM in Europe: A scoping review

by Giulio Maria Corbelli (EATG), Cinta Folch (CEEISCAT), Percy Fernández-Dávila (CEEISCAT), Jorge Palacio-Vieira (CEEISCAT), Maria Dutarte (EATG), Koen Block (EATG)
As part of the ESTICOM ( project, a review of evidence on Community Health Workers’ (CHW) knowledge, attitudes and practices about the sexual health of MSM, including behaviour and lifestyle factors as well as the HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis situation was conducted. This poster presents some of the results of the review and was presented at the European AIDS Conference, in…
WHO European region Gay men and other MSM, Health care professionals, LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Capacity building, Care and support, Co-infections, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Prevention, Research, Sexual and reproductive health, STI's, Testing and counselling, Treatment

A Review of Community Health Worker (CHW) knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to the sexual health of MSM, including existing training materials and manuals in Europe and neighbouring countries

by Cinta Folch (CEEISCAT), Percy Fernández-Dávila (CEEISCAT), Jorge Palacio-Vieira (CEEISCAT), Maria Dutarte (EATG), Giulio Maria Corbelli (EATG), Koen Block (EATG)
As part of the ESTICOM ( project, a review of evidence on Community Health Workers’ (CHW) knowledge, attitudes and practices about the sexual health of MSM, including behaviour and lifestyle factors as well as the HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis situation was conducted. Some of the main findings of the review, which can be accessed below, include that CHWs perform a wide variety…
WHO European region Gay men and other MSM, Health care professionals, LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Capacity building, Care and support, Co-infections, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Prevention, Research, Sexual and reproductive health, STI's, Testing and counselling, Treatment, Viral hepatitis

PRAKSIS: 2017 - World AIDS Day

by PRAKSIS, Греция
Following the audiovisual work of 2016, we prepared a second video in order to show the development of those 2 experiments. This time people who use drugs under OST programs and members of the transgender community, as employees of PRAKSIS, design and implement the outreach interventions starting with HIV, HCV and HBV testing and linking but also approaching in a holistic way the problems people…
Southern Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Injecting drug users (IDUs), People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Refugees Advocacy, Testing and counselling

PRAKSIS: 2016 - World AIDS Day

by PRAKSIS, Greece
PRAKSIS created a video concerning public health interventions, talking about 2 experiments. The first one was about the employment of people who use drugs and are under OST programs in our low threshold units and in our mobile units. The second one was about the development of the advocacy program "Access to affordable medicines".
Southern Europe Injecting drug users (IDUs), Migrants, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD) Advocacy, Prevention, Testing and counselling

AAE in the 22nd International AIDS Conference 2018

by Sini Pasanen
This presentation of the AAE Steering Committee member Sini Pasanen describes the role and goals of AAE for 22nd International AIDS Conference 2018.
WHO European region Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers, Refugees Advocacy, Migration

The Road to the 22nd International AIDS Conference 2018

by Анке ван Дам, AFEW
This presentation describes chances for NGOs to participate at the upcoming International AIDS Conference AIDS2018, especially for those from the EECA region.
Caucasus, Central Asia, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Global, WHO European region Gay men and other MSM, Health care professionals, Injecting drug users (IDUs), Migrants, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Advocacy, HIV and labor, Media

HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2017 - 2016 data surveillance report

Although HIV is preventable through effective public health measures, significant HIV transmission continues in Europe. In 2016, 29 444 people were diagnosed with HIV in the 31 countries of the EU/EEA, with a rate of 5.9 per 100 000. The rate was higher among men than women (8.9 versus 2.6 cases per 100 000 population).
WHO European region General public, LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM) Media, Research, Sexual and reproductive health, STI's, Stigma and discrimination

Right to Health

This report from UNAIDS, Right to health, highlights that the people most marginalized in society and most affected by HIV are still facing major challenges in accessing the health and social services they urgently need. However, the report also gives innovative examples of how marginalized communities are responding.  The report gives voice to the communities most affected by HIV—including…
Global Ethnic minorities, Gay men and other MSM, General public, LGBTI, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers, Sex workers, Women, Youth Epidemiology, Gender, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Policy, Sexual and reproductive health, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination, Universal access

Guidelines on monitoring the impact of the HIV epidemic using population-based surveys

This publication is an update of the 2005 guidelines for measuring national HIV prevalence in populationbased surveys of the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group on Global HIV/AIDS and STI Surveillance. These guidelines are written for public health surveillance and programme officers responsible for monitoring the HIV epidemic in their country. The purpose of the revised guidelines is to assist programme…
Global Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Epidemiology, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy

Fast-tracking HIV treatment: Parliamentary action and policy options

HIV treatment is a cornerstone of the AIDS response, helping to prevent AIDS-related deaths and avert new infections. It also helps people living with HIV to live close-to-normal lifespans, thereby reducing HIV-related stigma. Evidence shows that HIV treatment, administered ideally as soon as possible after diagnosis, not only slows disease progression but also prevents onward HIV transmission.…
Global General public, Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Universal access

2015 progress report on the global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children and keeping their mothers alive

This is the fourth annual report of the Global Plan, and it summarizes the progress made through December 2014. The final accountability report of the Global Plan will be issued in 2016 when data for the end of 2015 will be available. The Global Plan was developed during 2010 by a Global Task Team (GTT) co-chaired by UNAIDS and the Government of the United States. The GTT consisted of a…
Global Women Epidemiology, Gender, Positive prevention, Prevention, Sexual and reproductive health, Social issues, Universal access

Health and Social Responses to Drug Problems: A European Guide

by Европейскиq Центр Мониторинга Наркотиков и Наркозависимости - EMCDDA
This guide and the associated package of online materials provides a reference point for planning or delivering health and social responses to drug problems in Europe. The most appropriate responses will depend on the specific drug problems, the contexts in which these occur and the types of intervention that are possible and socially acceptable. By providing key information on some of the most…
Global NGOs Harm reduction, Monitoring and Evaluation, Prevention

Scaling up early diagnosis for HIV through expanded implementation of provider-initiated HIV testing

by Teixeira, B. & von Lingen, A.I.
This policy brief was developed for the OptTEST by HiE project and calls for increasing early HIV diagnosis by implementing Provider-initiated HIV testing when individuals with ICs present to health care settings and strengthening PITC in other health care settings for key populations. The policy brief first examines the policy context and then provides a summary of evidence on PITC.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Advocacy, Care and support, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Testing and counselling

Scaling up early diagnosis for HIV through expanded implementation of provider-initiated HIV testing

by Teixeira, B. & von Lingen, A.I.
This policy brief was developed for the OptTEST by HiE project and calls for increasing early HIV diagnosis by implementing Provider-initiated HIV testing when individuals with ICs present to health care settings and strengthening PITC in other health care settings for key populations. The policy brief first examines the policy context and then provides a summary of evidence on PITC.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, Policy makers Advocacy, Care and support, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Testing and counselling

Scaling up early diagnosis for HIV through diversifying HIV testing approaches beyond clinical settings

by Teixeira, B, & von Lingen, A. I.
This policy brief was developed for the OptTEST by HiE project and calls for expanding access to HIV testing through diversifying HIV testing approaches beyond medical settings. Such expansion would include more testing in non-medical settings, HIV testing delivered by trained lay providers and HIV self-testing.
WHO European region Health care professionals, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Policy makers Advocacy, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy, Testing and counselling

Poster: Contest to illustrate the documents on OST in prisons in Poland

by Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT)
"Konkurs na ilustrację do materiałów szkoleniowych na temat: Leczenie substytucyjne" - This  poster and leaflet for the inmates of a penitentiary center Sluzew (Warsaw) is prepared by the National AIDS Centre in Poland. The inmates will be asked to illustrate the documents on OST in prisons (author Heino Stöver), that will be discussed during the November workshop in Popowo (November 14-15, 2017…
Central Europe Injecting drug users (IDUs), People who are/were in prisons, People who use drugs (PUD), Prisoners (ex-) Harm reduction, Testing and counselling

Tweeter news