COBATEST Network: Steering Committee Elections 2024


There are currently 4 vacancies in the COBATEST Steering Committee for the 3-year term 2025 – 2027, starting on 1. Jan 2024.

In accordance with the COBATEST Election Procedure and COBATEST Steering Committee Terms of Reference, the Steering Committee members are directly elected by the COBATEST members. This procedure ensures transparency and fair participation of the network’s members in the decision-making.


The election will take place from October until December 2024. It includes the following steps:

  1. October 1st – November 5th: The call for vacancies is open. There are four vacancies in the COBATEST Steering Committee at this round of elections. Each member organisation can nominate one representative to the Steering Committee (the application process is now open).
  2. October 1st   – November 10th: Members are invited to pre-register to vote in the elections. Each COBATEST member organisation can assign one person who has the authority to vote (pre-registration is now open).
  3. November 11th: Candidates’ applications will be shared with the COBATEST member representatives who have pre-registered to vote in the elections. Members of the network will have the opportunity to learn about the candidates.
  4. November 14th – December 5th: The voting will take place online via an anonymous voting tool. Each organisation will have one vote for each vacant Steering Committee seat.
  5. The Secretariat will share the results of the elections by the end of the year after confirming with the newly elected Steering Committee members.


Who can apply?

In order to apply, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • be committed to the COBATEST Network objectives;
  • be affiliated with and selected as a representative of a civil society organisation that
    • has been a member of the COBATEST network for at least 6 months; and
    • actively participates in the network and has submitted testing data at least once in the last 2 years;
  • be located in the WHO European Region;
  • have a good working knowledge of English.

Steering Committee members attend on a personal title and in recognition of their personal expertise.

COBATEST member representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia are particularly encouraged to apply.


How to apply?

  • Applications are accepted from October 1st to November 5th 2024.
  • The application needs to be completed with a CV, Motivation letter (no more than 500 words) and a recommendation letter of the COBATEST member organisation  represented.
  • Applications should be sent to Shabnam Abdullayeva at  and Ismar Hačam at  with the subject line “Call for Candidates to the COBATEST Steering Committee 2024”


Who can vote?

According to the COBATEST Election Procedure, COBATEST member organisations that are part of a National Umbrella Organisation or a National Network are entitled to cast a single joint vote. This applies even if individual member organisations within the Umbrella Organisation or Network report their data separately. The process for determining how the joint vote is cast, is the responsibility of the member organisations within the National Umbrella Organisation or Network.

Each organisation will have one vote for each vacant Steering Committee seat. In order to be able to vote, the member organisation should fit the following criteria:

  • be a civil society organisation
  • be pre-registered for voting.


How to vote?

  • Pre-registration for voting is open from October 1 to November 10
  • Each COBATEST member organisation can assign one person who has the authority to vote
  • Once the election is open, the assigned person will receive the voting link to the email address entered at pre-registration.

Information about each of the next steps will be announced via emails.


Have any questions?
If you have any questions, please contact Shabnam Abdullayeva ( and/or Ismar Hačam ( or visit the website of COBATEST Network.