
small grants

Call for Interest: Small Grants in the Framework of the AAE Capacity Building Activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

Dear AAE Member Organisations, We are pleased to announce a call for small grants in the framework of the AAE capacity-building activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex.  AAE member organisations registered and based in one of the EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Moldova or Montenegro are invited to apply. The application deadline is September 8. Grant options A: Translation of the AAE training manual “Harm reduction in the context of chemsex: training manual” into a national language and/or other relevant languages (up to 900€); or/and B: Conducting a national-level Training on Harm Reduction in the context of chemsex (up to 900€).*The grant B is open only to attendees of the AAE Training of Trainers on Chemsex and Harm Reduction in 2023 and 2024. Please kindly read the call document carefully for further details. Looking forward to receiving your applications. AAE Team

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Sustainability of programmes and recurring stock-outs concern the Serbian civil society

AIDS Action Europe met Serbian stakeholders during its meeting in Belgrade. More than 40 representatives of 20 Serbian NGOs working in the fields of HIV/AIDS prevention have participated in the Stakeholder meeting on 12th of April 2016. Among them - representatives of NGOs work with women living with HIV, vulnerable groups like LGBT, sex workers, Roma youth, drug users and organisations working…

“Linking and Learning" – AAE seminar at the EECAAC 2016

AIDS Action Europe (AAE) is participating in the 5th Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference in Moscow (EECAAC), on March 23-25, 2016. The decision of AAE’s participation was taken unanimously by the AAE Steering Committee. Anke van Dam, chair of the Steering Committee explains the decision: “With our attendance we want to express our support for the communities and its members in the…

Sustainability and Long-Term Funding in the HA-REACT Joint Action

On 14-15 March 2016, the WP8 lead partner CHIP (REGIONH), Denmark, and the coordinator of HA-REACT, THL, met their work package partners from Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia in Riga, Latvia. Guided by a logical framework approach (LFA), the meeting set the WP8 workplan for the coming years. The two main deliverables discussed were: an action-oriented…

Introduction Video of the HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse 2016

AIDS Action Europe has been hosting the HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse – the central database on HIV and AIDS in Europe and Central Asia since 2007. Do you want to know how to use the Clearinghouse, please watch the video! The Clearinghouse enables NGOs in Europe and Central Asia to share good practices and key documents so that they can inspire each other in our efforts to fight the HIV epidemic. It…

Open Letter to Prague Public Health Authority

Pan-European Networks of communities of people living with and affected by HIV, doctors and scientists call upon the Government of the Czech Republic to immediately stop the Prague Public Health Authority's persecution and intimidation of people living with HIV, and to return to evidence-based and proven practices in HIV prevention, testing and care in the Czech Republic. Brussels, 19 February…

EU Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction launched

On 14-15 January 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania, the European Union Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT) held its first Partnership Forum to kick off activities. HA-REACT addresses existing gaps in the prevention of HIV and other co-infections, especially tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis, among people who inject drugs (PWID). This three-year project was…

AAE Steering Committee met Latvian civil society and other stakeholders in Riga

On April 20-21 the AIDS Action Europe (AAE) Steering Committee (SC) members had their first meeting of the year to discuss the new Strategic Framework and its actions, the Work Plan 2015, the review of AAE’s Communication Strategy and the Civil Society Forum Agenda for July 2015. In the afternoon of the second day, AAE met Latvian civil society representatives and other stakeholders at the…

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