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The animation "Walking little men"/Анимационный ролик «Шагающие человечки»

by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation - Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД»

Why don't cartoon men have AIDS? Because they are just "actors" of the social TV spot of Elena Pinchuk "ANTIAIDS" Foundation. In the real life, injecting drug use is the shortest way to AIDS. The informational campaign of the "ANTIAIDS" Foundation is about it. It is directed to the prophylaxis of the new cases of HIV via drug use. This cartoon-like TV spot continues world tendency in social creativity - to talk about serious problems with irony.

  • Global
  • Care and support
  • Media
  • Prevention
  • General public
  • People who use drugs (PUD)
  • Youth

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