
small grants

Call for Interest: Small Grants in the Framework of the AAE Capacity Building Activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

Dear AAE Member Organisations, We are pleased to announce a call for small grants in the framework of the AAE capacity-building activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex.  AAE member organisations registered and based in one of the EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Moldova or Montenegro are invited to apply. The application deadline is September 8. Grant options A: Translation of the AAE training manual “Harm reduction in the context of chemsex: training manual” into a national language and/or other relevant languages (  (up to 900€); or/and B: Conducting a national-level Training on Harm Reduction in the context of chemsex (up to 900€).*The grant B is open only to attendees of the AAE Training of Trainers on Chemsex and Harm Reduction in 2023 and 2024. Please kindly read the call document carefully for further details. Looking forward to receiving your applications. AAE Team

News list

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High Time to Listen to the Voices of the Communities

Ferenc Bagyinszky, the Project Manager of AIDS Action Europe, participated as NGO Observer at the 45th meeting of the #UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board #PCB45, which took place on December 10-12 in Geneva. We would like to call your attention to his intervention made under to the agenda point: Report by the NGO Representative "If it is to be truly universal. Why universal health coverage will…

Communities at the core and forefront of the HIV response

On this World AIDS Day – themed “Communities make the difference” – AIDS Action Europe proudly announces its support to HIV 2020: Community Reclaiming the Global Response conference, taking place in Mexico City on July 5-7, 2020. In 2018, after the announcement of the next International AIDS Society Conference taking place in San Francisco/Oakland in 2020, an alliance of global, regional and…

Criminalisation of HIV in Europe: preliminary findings

The European HIV Legal Forum (EHLF) is a project of AIDS Action Europe, the goal of which is to develop effective means of improving access to HIV services for all those who have limited access to HIV services due to legal obstacles, through the united efforts of legal and policy experts with the aim of bringing into effect a rights-based approach to health as adopted by the European Commission…

Policymakers called to prioritise quality of life of PLHIV on political agenda

HIV Outcomes launched today a Call to Action urging European policymakers to ensure that long-term health outcomes and the quality of life of people with HIV are high on the political agenda. At a roundtable event in the European Parliament, Members of European Parliament, the European Commission, European experts, patients and clinicians discuss key findings from a new report, which highlights…

Call to join the AAE Steering Committee

Are you involved in an HIV/AIDS related NGO or community group? Is your organisation a member or partner of AIDS Action Europe? Are you motivated to work towards a more effective response to the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis epidemics in Europe and Central Asia? If so, apply now! We currently have 3 vacancies in our Steering Committee for a 3-year term of 2020 – 2022, starting on 1. Jan 2020…

Alternative ways of ensuring access to drugs and medicines

DNDi or Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative celebrates its 15th birthday this year. This initiative is one of the unique examples of non-for-profit alternative models for research and development (R&D) of a new drugs. This initiative works to ensure that populations that are left behind will have access to live-saving medications. Its story started in 2003 after Medicines Sans Frontiers (…

Science vs. HIV Criminalisation. AAE Member and Partner Meeting 2019

Criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission – one could think that this is not an issue anymore. The contrary is true: It is a growing phenomenon in our region that has direct and deep impact on human rights. This is why the AIDS Action Europe Steering Committee decided to take the topic up in its 2019 Member and Partner Meeting and combine it with partner notification and…

Overcoming obstacles to access to PrEP in Europe

The 2nd European PrEP Summit took place in Warsaw, Poland from October 10-12. More than 200 activists, PrEP users, civil society, academia and doctors have gathered from all over Europe and Central Asia to discuss the current state, challenges and opportunities of PrEP use. Although pre-exposure prophylaxis, or shortly PrEP, is a very effective method of preventing HIV infections, it´s uptake…

Keeping HIV/AIDS activist engagement accessible

How are politics and life narratives in the fields of HIV/AIDS activism in Europe entangled? – This was not an easy leading question of the EUROPACH Closing Conference “Living Politics: Remembering HIV/AIDS Activism Tomorrow”. AAE, as associated partner of the European research project EUROPACH, participated at its closing conference, which took place in Berlin, Germany on September 12, and 13.…

AIDS Action Europe welcomes Winnie Byanyima as the new Executive Director of UNAIDS

AIDS Action Europe welcomes the decision of the UN Secretary General to appoint Winnie Byanyima as the new Executive Director of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). We acknowledge the important milestone decision of appointing the first woman as the leader of UNAIDS, however, we are also concerned regarding the potential strategic priorities of Ms Byanyima and concerns…

Free access to PrEP in Germany

As of September 1, 2019, people in Germany from the age of 16 with a substantial HIV risk can get PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) for free, covered by the statutory health insurance. This is an exciting development in a country, where only two years ago PrEP was still discussed quite controversially not to mention the possibility that PrEP could be covered by health insurance. It took the…

Are you ready for Quality Improvement?

On July 11-12 AAE conducted its Quality Improvement (QI) Workshop on Combination Prevention and Chemsex Interventions. Altogether 13 representatives of 12 member and partner organisations were trained on how to select and use one or more of the tools to improve and measure quality and impact of their interventions and projects that were developed in the Quality Action Joint Action. The…

Training Materials for Community Health Worker addressing gay men and other MSM are available online!

The training material toolbox curriculum for training Community Health Workers (CHW) working with gay men and other MSM was developed in the frame of the EU-funded ESTICOM project ( The project aimed at improving access and the quality of prevention, diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis and health care services for gay men and other MSM. The Project became an important…

#TheUNAIDSWeNeed: Nothing about us without us!

AIDS Action Europe participated at the Special Session of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), the governing body of UNAIDS, which usually meets twice a year to overlook the work of the UN Joint Programme on AIDS.The special session of the UNAIDS PCB was called together to follow up on the situation of sexual harassment and abuse of power within the UNAIDS Secretariat. Two agenda points…

#TheUNAIDSWeNeed: Special session on response to harassment and abuse of power at UNAIDS Secretariat

AIDS Action Europe participated at the Special Session of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), the governing body of UNAIDS, which usually meets twice a year to overlook the work of the UN Joint Programme on AIDS.The special session of the UNAIDS PCB was called together to follow up on the situation of sexual harassment and abuse of power within the UNAIDS Secretariat. Two agenda points…

Making resources available to sustain HIV Prevention Programmes during and after GF Transition in UA

Ukraine has the second largest HIV epidemic in the WHO European region. The country also has a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. The region of the armed conflict in the Eastern part of Ukraine (UA) lacks provision of health services. 240.000 people live with HIV (PLHIV) in UA, with an HIV prevalence of 0,9% (ages 15-49)[1]. The number of people who know their HIV status…

Not worth worrying, you will always get support and your questions answered

Yaroslav Bliakharskyi (Ярослав Бляхарский) about his time on the Steering Committee of AIDS Action Europe (AAE). Yaroslav, our Steering Committee (SC) member, who represents All-Ukrainian network of people living with HIV/AIDS – 100% LIFE, is leaving our SC next year. In our interview with Yaroslav, he talks about his experience being an AAE Steering Committee member. Furthermore, he stresses…

“One case of harassment, one case of misconduct of power is too many. We are striving to get to zero”

“One case of harassment, one case of misconduct of power is too many. We are striving to get to zero” This was the statement of Gunila Carlsson, deputy executive director during the Special Session of UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB)[1]. AIDS Action Europe participated in this meeting because we think that only a strong organization that is willing to counteract any kind of sexual…

Call for applications for UNAIDS Executive Director Position is Now Open!

The call for the vacancy of UNAIDS Executive Director is now open. Learn more about the details and the competencies required for the position, as well as the process for submitting applications please read the in English and in French.  Deadline for the applications is May 17. Please share this information among your parterns and networks and encourage potential candidates to consider applying…

Chechnya: They are hunting and killing us again

Just a few days ago, Russian LGBT Network stated again about the arrest and attacks of at least 40 people being LGBT. Since the first anti-gay purge in Chechnya, the network reports, around 150 people out of region were relocated and around 130 people found sanctuary out of Russia. Today, we like to follow the appeal of Igor Kochetkov (Russian LGBT Network) and ask you to call on global leaders…

Harm reduction interventions need better funding mechanisms

PRESS RELEASE Harm reduction services need sustainable funding mechanisms to improve testing and linkage to care for people who use drugs Last week, the three-year European Union (EU) Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT) has come to its end. HA-REACT had 22 partners, representing 18 EU Member States, with additional expertise provided by 14…

Community-led approaches are key in the response to HIV, TB and viral hepatitis

This time it was Bucharest, the capital of Romania that hosted the HepHIV Conference 2019. Romania holds the EU presidency in the first half of 2019, and faces challenges in responding to the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis epidemics, in particular when it comes to addressing and including key populations in the response. In this sense, Bucharest was a good choice since the speakers could voice their…

New Guideline on population size estimates of PWID

The sole objective of this guideline is to summarize and educate about highly useful concepts for scaling up harm reduction in any country. Estimates of the prevalence of drug use and its consequences have a major influence on many public policies. Estimating prevalence is especially important for forecasting the health needs and costs of the drug user group and for evaluating the coverage and…

European Commission supports Harm Reduction for PWID. Does Your Country?

By Jeffrey Lazarus, #HAREACT We know what works. Opioid substitution therapy in prisons, safe needles in the streets, direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for anyone who’s infected. No, what we need to eliminate hepatitis C isn’t more interventions. What we need is the political will to implement what works. What we need to eliminate hepatitis C isn’t more interventions. What we need is the…

AAE at the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB 2016-2018

AIDS Action Europe held the seat of Europe NGO Delegate on the Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS from 2016-2018. Our colleague, Ferenc Bagyinszky, represented AAE on the NGO Delegation: “My 3 years with the NGO Delegation was one of the most rewarding and challenging period of my life. It was not only the steepest learning curve in the field of global HIV politics but also gave me an…

Statement of the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB on release of the Independent Expert Panel's report on harassment

The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB Calls for the Immediate Release of the Independent Expert Panel’s (IEP) Report December 6, 2018 At the 42nd UNAIDS Program Coordinating Board (PCB) meeting in June 2018, the PCB agreed to establish an Independent Expert Panel (IEP) to coordinate and complete a comprehensive review/audit on prevention of and response to harassment, including sexual harassment…

Support the petition "AIDS: one minute to act, sign!"

Before the Global Fund Replenishment Conference which will take place in October 2019 in France and is aimed to raise new funds to end AIDS, TB and malaria by 2030, AIDES together with other partner organisations launched a petition aimed at heads of states and governments calling to support the Global Fund. You can support the petition via the following link:…

"What is Harm Reduction?" - new HA-REACT video is live!

This video explains what harm reduction is and how it benefits people who use drugs, as well as their families and communities. Harm reduction acknowledges that people should not need to stop using drugs to receive help. Research shows that harm reduction decreases the negative effects of drug use without increasing drug injection. That’s why organizations such as the World Health Organization…

Addressing Women’s Needs in Harm Reduction Services. Member Meeting 2018

AIDS Action Europe Member and Partner Meeting took place on Saturday, October 20, in Berlin. This year the AAE Steering Committee decided to focus on 2 topics of concern for civil society organisations working in the field: good practices and gaps in addressing women in harm reduction and the role of international networks in response to HIV/AIDS, TB and viral hepatitis. This article will focus…

Role of International Networks in Response to HIV/AIDS, TB and Hepatitis. Member Meeting 2018

The 2018 AIDS Action Europe Member and Partner Meeting took place on Saturday, October 20, in Berlin. This year, the AAE Steering Committee decided to focus on 2 topics of concern for civil society organisations working in the field: good practices and gaps in addressing women in harm reduction and the role of international networks in response to HIV/AIDS, TB and viral hepatitis. This article…

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